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US Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Science Team

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Mike Patterson, US CLIVAR Project Office
The U.S. AMOC Science Team is an U.S. inter-agency program focused on the following scientific objectives: i) implementation and evaluation of AMOC observing system; ii) assessment of AMOC state, variability, and change; iii) assessment of AMOC variability mechanisms and predictability; and iv) assessment of the role of AMOC in global climate and ecosystems. The Science Team is comprised of all the PIs and Co-PIs performing AMOC-related research. The program is organized around four Task Teams, each identified with one of the science goals. An executive committee, consisting of a science team chair and Task Team chairs and vice-chairs, leads the program efforts in consultation with the agency managers supporting the U.S. AMOC program. After a brief review of the program, the presentation will summarize the outcomes from the 2013 International Science Meeting; findings of the recently-conducted external review of the program; and updated near-term research priorities. We will conclude with a few research highlights and the goals for the upcoming AMOC Annual Meeting.
Presentation file
Abstract file