Upcoming webinars are listed below and login details can be found in the calendar.
Phenomena, Observations, and Synthesis Webinar Series
This series will feature experts, with a focus on early career researchers, who are working on research topics of interest to the US CLIVAR Phenomena, Observations, and Synthesis (POS) Panel. The Panel's mission is to improve understanding of climate variations in the past, present, and future, and to develop syntheses of critical climate parameters while sustaining and improving the global climate observing system. The webinars are held on the first Monday of the month @ 1pm ET.
Process Study Webinar Series
The Process Studies and Model Improvement Panel hosted webinar series aims to provide feedback to process studies. The goals of this webinar series are 1) to provide feedback on the plans and challenges for individual process studies and 2) to distill programmatic lessons from process studies and field campaigns to help current and future observational programs to effectively meet the broader goals of improving the understanding of physical processes in the ocean and the atmosphere and to translate this understanding into improved observational and modeling capabilities. The webinars are typically held on the fourth Tuesday of the month @ 2pm ET.
Predictability, Predictions, and Applications Interface Webinar Series
This series features experts who are working on research topics of interest to the Predictability, Predictions, and Applications Interface (PPAI) Panel. The Panel's mission is to foster improved practices in the provision, validation and uses of climate information and forecasts through coordinated participation within the US and international climate science and applications communities. The Panel members act as facilitators, assisting in moving climate science forward. The webinars are held on the third Wednesday of the month @ 2pm ET.