US CLIVAR Scientific Steering Committee
The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) directs the scientific and implementation planning of the program, setting the program goals, implementation strategies, and research challenges to be pursued. It is comprised of nine members with expertise spanning the breadth of the US CLIVAR agenda. The SSC consists of a chair, two co-chairs, and the co-chairs of its three panels, ensuring effective communication between the SSC and the panels. Members meet primarily via teleconferences and an in-person meeting with the Inter-Agency Group at least once a year.
Member name | Institution | Term through |
L. Ruby Leung, Chair | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | March 2026 |
Dillon Amaya | NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory | March 2026 |
Dan Amrhein | NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research | March 2027 |
Juliana Dias | NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory | March 2027 |
Jason Furtado | University of Oklahoma | March 2027 |
Sarah Gille, Executive Member | University of California San Diego/Scripps Institution of Oceanography | March 2028 |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | March 2026 | |
Isla Simpson, Executive Member | NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research | March 2028 |
University of Maryland | March 2026 |
Terms of Reference
- Provide overall scientific and programmatic guidance to ensure that US CLIVAR progresses towards achieving its scientific objectives using individual experts or expert groups as necessary;
- Develop and update as needed an implementation strategy to prioritize and sequence US CLIVAR activities, and comment on agency implementation of the US CLIVAR Program;
- Promote balance within the various elements (theory, modeling, empirical studies, long-term observations and field campaigns) of the program and identify scientific gaps;
- Ensure that US CLIVAR activities are coordinated with international CLIVAR activities and other USGCRP elements;
- Provide oversight and coordination of, and guidance to US CLIVAR working groups;
- Provide advice for and implement, in consultation with other advisory bodies, effective transition of sustained observations initiated during CLIVAR to operational entities after they have demonstrated their usefulness for climate predictions;
- Keep the NRC/CRC appraised of the status of US CLIVAR, and acts as US liaison to the International CLIVAR SSG;
- Provide oversight of and guidance to the US CLIVAR Project Office.