Research Highlights
We aim to feature the latest research results from US scientists whose published paper features work that is sponsored by one or more sponsoring agency programs of US CLIVAR (NASA, NOAA, NSF, DOE, ONR). Check out the collection of research highlights below and sort by topic on the right. Interested in submitting an article for consideration? See our Research Highlight Submission Guidelines page for more information.
In Amaya et al. (2025), the authors use statistical methods applied to five coupled model large ensembles to diagnose whether and how potential predictability is projected to change in the future as a distinct response to anthropogenic climate change. Specifically, they apply the perfect model-analog framework to estimate the seasonal predictability limits of global surface temperature, precipitation, and upper atmospheric circulation from 1920-2100.
This study shows that both unusually active and inactive hurricane seasons have become more common since the 1990s, and computer models predict that by the middle of this century, the variability could increase by an additional 36%, with the biggest increase expected to occur in the central tropical North Atlantic, which refers to the mid-section of the North Atlantic Ocean where tropical storms and hurricanes most frequently form.
This study focuses on Northeast Pacific ARs and their impact on the upper ocean. Understanding upper ocean impacts requires high fidelity to properly resolve the processes at play. Coupling an eddy-resolving ocean model to a 25km grid-spacing high-resolution atmosphere allows resolution of both ARs and ocean processes regionally and with greater accuracy.
The mechanisms of multidecadal AMOC variability and its two-way interactions with the Arctic salinity anomaly, as well as the factors affecting the periods and amplitudes of multidecadal AMOC variability are not well understood from the theoretical perspective using simple conceptual models. In a recent study authored by Wei and Zhang, a simple conceptual model (i.e. a revised Stommel’s Two-Box Model) calibrated by the OSNAP observations, is constructed to illustrate the AMOC delayed oscillator mechanism and suggests an important role of the Arctic salinity anomaly and associated delayed negative feedback in multidecadal AMOC variability.
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) feature prolonged extreme warm events in global oceans that have dramatic impacts on marine ecosystems and fisheries. In a recent paper published in Geophysical Research Letters, Ren and Liu proposed a new physical driver — the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its related slowdown — can modulate global MHWs through centuries. The results from this study highlight the importance of the AMOC as a key ocean circulation system and to the long-term variations of climate extremes such as MHWs. Moreover, the AMOC impact is of a global scale and becomes increasingly significant.