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How to Get Involved in the US CLIVAR Program

Become a panel member

Each fall, US CLIVAR issues a call for new panel members to fill openings created as existing members rotate off. You may nominate yourself or others. Look for the announcement in our monthly Newsgram or contact the current panel chairs directly. The announcements identify specific expertise being sought to help broaden and balance representation on each panel.  Members typically serve four years and are expected to participate in monthly virtual meetings and attend the annual US CLIVAR Summit or panel meeting each summer. Please visit the panel webpages to review their terms of reference and current membership.

Propose a new US CLIVAR working group

Typically each fall, US CLIVAR solicits prospectuses for new limited-lifetime working groups to accelerate progress within the community on a specific research topic of priority relevance to US CLIVAR. Announcements inviting new working groups are provided in the US CLIVAR monthly Newsgram and on the US CLIVAR website. Prospectuses identify potential members and the US CLIVAR Scientific Steering Committee approves the core membership of up to 12 US scientists. Visit working group webpages to view successful prospectuses, their membership, and accomplishments.

Submit a research proposal to a US CLIVAR agency program

Five US agencies (NASA, NOAA, NSF, DOE and ONR) fund research grants to address priority goals and objectives of the US CLIVAR program. New grant solicitations are announced on the US CLIVAR homepage and through our monthly Newsgram.  You may also contact an agency program manager directly to explore interest in your proposed project. US CLIVAR agency managers are listed on the Interagency Group webpage.

Propose or participate in a US CLIVAR-sponsored meeting

US CLIVAR sponsors several open science meetings, workshops, and conferences each year to provide an opportunity for a community of scientists to share research findings and plan coordinated research activities on topics of priority interest to US CLIVAR. Announcements of open meetings are broadcast through the US CLIVAR Newsgram and website. If you are interested in organizing such a meeting, please contact us for instructions on how to prepare a meeting proposal for consideration by the US CLIVAR funding agencies, or keep an eye our for our calls for supported meeting requests.

Sign up for the US CLIVAR newsletters and Newsgrams to stay informed

US CLIVAR publishes a quarterly electronic newsletter, Variations, featuring science articles, workshop summaries, and news of the US CLIVAR program.  We also produce our Newsgram monthly to provide timely information on upcoming meetings, announcements of climate research grant opportunities, and position vacancies of potential interest to the climate research community. To subscribe, simply fill out the subscription form on the top right of this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions on how you might get involved or wish to provide comments on our programs, products, and meetings, please send us note and we’ll be happy to follow-up with you. Simply contact us through this form.