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The relative importance of forced and unforced temperature patterns in driving the time variation of low-cloud feedback

Columbia University / NASA GISS
Yuan-Jen Lin (Columbia University / NASA GISS, NY, USA), Grégory V. Cesana (Columbia University / NASA GISS, NY, USA), Cristian Proistosescu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA), Mark D. Zelinka (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA), and Kyle C. Armour (University of Washington, WA, USA)
Atmospheric models forced with observed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) suggest more-stabilizing cloud feedback in recent decades, partly due to the surface cooling trend in the eastern Pacific (EP) and the warming trend in the western Pacific (WP). Here we show evidence that the time variation of low-cloud feedback depends not only on changes in forced and unforced feedback components individually but also on the relative importance between the two. Initial-condition large ensembles (LEs) show that the SST patterns are dominated by unforced variations for 30-year windows ending prior to the 1980s. In general, unforced SSTs are representative of an ENSO-like pattern, which corresponds to weak low-level stability in the tropics and less-stabilizing low-cloud feedback. Since the 1980s, the forced signals have become stronger, outweighing the unforced signals for the 30-year windows ending after the 2010s. Forced SSTs are characterized by relatively uniform warming with an enhancement in the WP, corresponding to more-stabilizing low-cloud feedback in most cases. The time-evolving SST pattern due to this increasing importance of forced signals is the dominant contributor to the recent destabilizing shift of low-cloud feedback in the LEs. Observed SST patterns also suggest a reduction in the relative role of unforced ENSO-like variability since the 1980s. However, the observed SST patterns show strong WP warming and EP cooling trend, which actuates a shift in low-cloud feedback toward more-stabilizing values with a trend that lies outside the model ensembles.
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