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US CLIVAR Related Sessions at AGU24

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The 2024 AGU meeting will take place December 9-13, 2024 in Washington, D.C. The theme, "What's Next for Science," will explore the future of our community and scientific discoveries. Abstract submissions are due July 31, 2024.

US CLIVAR Sessions

Human Health and Safety in the Face of Climate-Charged Weather Disasters: Resilience Planning for Those Systems that Societies Rely Upon

The Dynamics of the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Present and Future Climates: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons

Climate and Atmosphere

Atmospheric Rivers: Processes, Impacts, and Uncertainties

Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change

Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes in the Tropical Pacific: Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics and Interactions

Explaining and Predicting Mid-latitude Weather, Climate and Ocean Variability and Change Through Air-Sea Interactions and Teleconnections

Pacific Atmospheric Teleconnections: Dynamics, Impacts, and Future Projections

Stratospheric Dynamics, Aerosol Processes, and the Interactions with the Troposphere

Climate, Ocean, and Coasts

Advances in Numerical Modeling and Algorithm Development of Dynamical Cores for Global and Regional Weather and Climate

Atlantic Climate Variability and Change: Mechanisms, Predictability, and Impacts

Dynamic Coastlines Amidst Changing Sea Levels: Advancements in Understanding of Coastal Hazards and Climate Change Impacts

El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Pantropical Climate Interactions: Mechanisms, Predictability, Impacts, and Projections

Hemispheric (A)symmetries in Earth’s Climate

Subseasonal to Seasonal Tropical Variability: Observations, Modeling, Processes, and Global Impacts

Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific: Past, Present, and Future Climate and Environment

The Decade of Unusual ENSO Behavior: Understanding Variability and Impacts

The Global Water Cycle: Coupling and Exchanges of Mass and Energy Between the Ocean, Land, Cryosphere and Atmosphere

Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations

Extremes and Impacts

Decision-Relevant Understanding of Weather and Climate Extremes and Their Impacts

Drought: Mechanisms and Impacts in the Past, Present, and Future

Extreme Weather and Climate in Urban Areas, Their Social Impacts, and Mitigation

Heatwaves Behind the Scenes: Drivers, Mechanisms, Changes, and Impacts

Hydroclimate and Extremes in the Western United States in a Changing Climate

Robustness of Climate Change Information for Decisions

Urban Air Pollution: Interaction with Weather/Climate and Impact on Health

High Latitudes

Arctic Coastal Dynamics - What are the Emerging Frontiers?

Causes and Consequences of Polar Amplification

Emerging and New Technologies in Polar Ocean Observing

Observations, Modeling, and Data Assimilation

Addressing and Understanding Uncertainties in CMIP: Key Insights and Future Directions

Advances and Challenges in Reducing Model Errors and Biases at Subseasonal to Seasonal Scales 

Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory and Modeling

Climate Forcing: Quantifying the Roles and Responses of Anthropogenic and Natural Climate Drivers

Grand Challenges and Opportunities in Earth System Predictability

High Resolution Earth System Modeling on Large Supercomputers

High-Resolution Regional Earth System Modeling: Hydroclimate Variability, Extremes, and Policy Implications

Machine Learning and Traditional Statistics: Two Paradigms and Their Implications for Environmental Health Research and Policy

Machine Learning Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations for Earth System Modeling

Modeling Across Scales From Global to Convection-permitting: Weather, Climate, and Air Quality

Perturbed Parameter Ensembles (PPEs) for Understanding Processes and Quantifying Uncertainty in Earth System Models

Recent Advancements for Representing Microbial Dynamics in Earth System Models

Risks of Tipping Points in the Earth System

Scientific Machine Learning for Climate Modeling

Subseasonal to Seasonal Tropical Variability: Observations, Modeling, Processes, and Global Impacts

Systematic Benchmarking and Evaluation of Climate and Earth System Models