CLIVAR-relevant meetings and workshop status

If you would like to have your event included in the list, email Jennie.
Last updated March 23, 2020 @ 11:30am ET.
US CLIVAR-Specific Workshops
Workshop on Societally-Relevant Multi-Year Climate Predictions, March 31-April 2 POSTPONED (website)
US AMOC Science Team Meeting, September 14-17 POSTPONED
Observing, Modeling, and Understanding the Circulation of the Arctic Ocean and Sub-Arctic Seas Workshop, October 20-23 POSTPONED
Meetings, Workshops, and Other Events
Consortium for Ocean Leadership Public Policy Forum, March 12 CANCELLED (website) (announcement)
NCAR Trenberth Symposium, March 16 CANCELLED (website)
GEWEX Integrated Product Workshop, March 16-18 POSTPONED (website) (announcement)
International Indian Ocean Science Conference, March 16-20 POSTPONED (website)
2020 CESM Climate Change Variability & Change Working Group Meeting, March 17 ONLINE/VIRTUAL (website)
2020 CESM Ocean Working Group and MOM6 Developers & Users Meeting, March 18-19 POSTPONED (website)
WCRP Implementation Workshop, March 23-25 CANCELLED
NACP Open Science Conference, March 23-26 POSTPONED (website)
CLIVAR Indian Ocean Regional Panel Meeting, March 24 POSTPONED (website)
Arctic Science Summit Week, March 27-April 2 ONLINE/VIRTUAL (website)
Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering Workshop, March 29-April 1 CANCELLED (website)
CLIVAR Northern Ocean Region Panel Meeting, March 30 POSTPONED (website)
NASA Sea Level Change 2020 Meeting, March 30-April 1 CANCELLED
GEWEX International Network for Alpine Research on Catchment Hydrology (INARCH) Workshop, March 31-April 1 POSTPONED (website)
PIRATA-24/TAV Meeting, April 20-22 POSTPONED (website)
Rising Voices Workshop, April 29-May 1 POSTPONED (website)
European Geophysical Union Meeting, May 3-8 CANCELLED/ONLINE ALTERNATIVE AVAILABLE (website)
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Forum, May 7-8 POSTPONED (website)
OCB Metaproteomic Intercomparison Workshop, May 13-15 POSTPONED (website)
WCRP Joint Scientific Committee Meeting, May 18-22 CANCELLED
International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, May 19-22 POSTPONED (website)
Workshop on Modeling, Prediction, and Sensor Networks for Coastal Flooding in the US East Coast VIRTUAL (Email list)
2020 Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program, June 1-12 CANCELLED (website)
2nd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium, June 8-12 POSTPONED (website)
Gordon Research Conference - The Impact of Ocean Mixing on the Earth, Ocean and Atmosphere Systems, Climate and Society, June 14-19 POSTPONED (website)
NCAR CESM Annual Workshop, June 15-18 VIRTUAL (website)
International Conference on Hydrology and Earth System Science for Society (HESSS5), June 15-19 POSTPONED (website)
Workshop on Improvement and Calibration of Clouds in Models, June 15-19 POSTPONED to April 12-16, 2021 (website)
OCB 2020 Summer Workshop, June 22-25 CANCELLED (website)
Gordon Research Conference - Processes and Impacts of Radiation Management Approaches to Climate Change, June 28-July 3 POSTPONED (website)
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2020 Annual Meeting, June 28-July 4 CANCELLED (website)
CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on Ocean Macroturbulence, July 6-11 POSTPONED (website)
2020 NCAR ASP Colloquium - The Science of S2S Predictions, July 6-24 POSTPONED (website)
JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2020, July 12-16 VIRTUAL (website)
Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users' Workshop, July 27-29, VIRTUAL (website)
CLIVAR Southern Ocean Region Panel Meeting, July 30-31 CANCELLED
SCAR COMNAP 2020 Conference: Antarctic Science - Global Connections, July 31-August 11 CANCELLED (website)
International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, August 3-7 POSTPONED (website)
NCAR 2020 CESM Tutorial, August 3-7 VIRTUAL (website)
CLIVAR-ICTP ENSO Summer School, August 3-14 CANCELLED (website)
WCRP Summer School on Earth System Model Development, August 10-14 POSTPONED (website)
European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, September 7-11 CANCELLED (website)
Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, September 16-19, CANCELLED (website)
Future Direction in Basin & Global High-Resolution Ocean Modeling, October 7-9 POSTPONED (website)
3rd IPICS Open Science Conference “Ice Core Science at the three Poles”, October 18-23 POSTPONED to October 2021 (website)
2020 AGU Fall Meeting, December 7-11 VIRTUAL (website)
2021 AAAS Annual Meeting, February 11-14 2021 VIRTUAL (website)