CLIVAR-relevant sessions at AGU Fall Meeting
Sub-Seasonal to Decadal Variability and Predictability
ENSO dynamics, observations, and predictability
Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate
Seasonal to Decadal Extratropical Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability and Predictability
Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting of High-Impact Weather and Climate Events
The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Observations, Theory, Modeling, and Prediction
Climate and Extreme Events
Climate extremes and their implications in impact modeling studies
Ecosystem recovery from climate extremes
Extreme sea levels and coastal risks in a changing climate
Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought
Identifying links between the large-scale atmospheric circulation and climate extremes
Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling and Predictability
Polar Climate
Advances in understanding processes at the beds of glaciers and ice sheets
Arctic environmental change: local, regional, global drivers and impacts
Assessing stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Glacier-Ocean Interactions, Mechanisms, & Synthesis
Glacier response to climate change
Integrating observations and models to better understand a changing Arctic sea ice cover
Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets
Modeling of the Cryosphere: High-resolution sea ice modeling
Observations for improving Polar weather and climate predictions
Processes and Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
The future of ice in the polar world: using past and present data to prepare for rapid change
Climate and Ocean Carbon/Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems of Tropical Pacific and Upwelling Systems
Carbon Dynamics in Tropical, Arctic/Boreal, Coastal, and Wetland-Dominant Regions
Recent advances in ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling
Observing and Modeling Variability and Change
Advances in High Resolution Climate Modeling
Advances in Numerical Methods for Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling
Convection Across Scales: Observations, Modeling, and Theory
Data Assimilation, Inverse Methods, Reanalysis, and Observing System Simulation Experiments
Improving physical process representation in global models
Large-scale atmospheric transport and mixing: observations, modeling and theory
Leveraging Model Hierarchies to Understand the Climate System
Multiproxy Records for Climatic and Oceanic Reconstructions
Ocean salinity, water cycle variability and science results from satellite measurements
Reconstructing and modelling late Pliocene climate variability
Stochastic and coupled modeling for seamless probabilistic Earth system prediction
Air-Sea Interaction, Marine Boundary Layer, Clouds, and Teleconnections
Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change
Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation-Climate Interactions over the Southeastern Atlantic
Coupling of Cloud Processes with the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation
The Year of Tropics-Midlatitude Interactions and Teleconnections
Tropical and extratropical air-sea interactions and their teleconnections
Other relevant sessions
Abrupt Climate Change: Causes, Mechanisms and Consequences
Beyond the Interannual: Multidecadal and Centennial Modes of Climate Variability
Causes of sea level variability and change: Understanding the past and predicting the future
Climate sensitivity and feedbacks: advances and new paradigms
Current and future hydroclimate changes
Earth’s energy imbalance and energy flows through the climate system
Evaluating Reanalysis: Learning about past weather and climate
Ocean Altimetry: Past, Present and Future
Toward More Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Engagement
Useful and usable data: What makes climate science actionable?
Town Halls
Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions): A NASA field campaign scoping study
Awards & Grants Advancing Your Early Earth Science Career: Multi-agency Perspectives
Future Earth - Research Agenda and Opportunities for Global Sustainability
Latest News of NSF Geosciences
NASA Earth Science Division Town Hall
NASA Sea Level Change Team Town Hall
NSF Division of Polar Programs Town Hall
Requirements for improving coordination of ice sheet observation and modeling-based activities
Study Update: The 2017-2019 Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space
The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program Needs You
U.S. Group on Earth Observations Town Hall