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Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop Poster Gallery
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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
A Lagrangian investigation of water vapor isotopes in radiative-convective equilibrium
A model tracer study tracking global riverine freshwater in the world ocean
A modeling framework for total column humidity and water vapor isotopic composition applied to moistening of the subtropical free troposphere
Atmospheric Water Isotopic Observations across National Ecological Observatory Network
Continuous monitoring of surface water vapor isotopic compositions at Neumayer-III station, East Antarctica
Controls on the water vapor isotopic composition near the surface of tropical oceans and role of boundary layer mixing processes
Decoding the evolution of speleothem oxygen isotope and Asian Monsoon during the last deglaciation: An Update on iTRACE
Direct assimilation of water isotope observations in the Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR)
Dynamics or thermodynamics?
Examining long-term hydroclimate variability in the southern Indo-Pacific Warm Pool using paleo-indicators of water isotopes
Greenland Ice Sheet surface melt captured by high frequency water vapor isotopes measurements at Thule
Intercomparison of proxy data and model simulations as key to understanding internal variability of the South American Monsoon System
Investigations into a model-proxy discrepancy between precipitation and hydrogen stable isotopes in mid-Holocene northern Africa
Meltwater Variation Influences High Alpine Water Quality in the Gokyo Valley, Nepal
Particle-based cloud microphysics modelling
So you want to measure water isotopes by plane... Here’s how to request NCAR’s flight-ready water isotopic analyzer
Stable isotope variations in monsoon precipitation related to atmospheric moisture transport in southern Peru
Stable water isotopes in paleoclimate simulations – results from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM and MPI-ESM model
The comprehensive multi-annual MUSICA IASI dataset of daily global free tropospheric {H2O, δD}-D}- pairs
The length scale of poleward moisture transport
The relationship of precipitation recycling to climate in the tropics through stable isotopes
Using Evaporation Stable Water Isotopologues to determine Great Lakes Influence on Atmospheric Moisture
What controls the meridional distribution of water isotopes?