AMS 95th Annual Meeting Sessions Relevant to CLIVAR
Town Halls:
January 6
- Strategic Planning Update for UCAR and NCAR
- NASA Earth Science Division Town Hall Meeting
- Developing Climate Scenarios for the 4th National Climate Assessment and the Sustained Assessment Process
- Wind-wave-current interactions, high winds, and tropical cyclones
January 7
- NOAA’s NCDC Responds to the Deepening Southwestern Drought with Climate Data, Products, and Services
- “Hotspot Project”: What can we learn and what’s next?
- DOE Data Strategy for the Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
- NASA’s Earth Science Flight Program Investments in and Planning for the Next-Generation Earth Observatories – An Update
27th Conference on Climate Variability and Change
- Subseasonal variability: Spatiotemporal structure in the troposphere (and stratosphere); link with teleconnection patterns and MJO; dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms; hydroclimate impacts; potential predictability; representation in climate simulations.
- Interannual variability: Inter-basin links; internally-generated vs. externally-forced basin variability; ocean-atmosphere structure and mechanisms in observations and climate simulations; progress prospects of monthly-to-seasonal prediction.
- Decadal-multidecadal variability in Pacific and Atlantic basins: Ocean surface/subsurface structure; ocean-atmosphere-land-cryosphere interactions; hydroclimate impacts (e.g., droughts) and mechanisms; potential predictability; experimental prediction (statistical/ dynamical).
- Regional climate variability and change: Detection and attribution of temperature and precipitation variations: Role of greenhouse gases, anthropogenic aerosols, and multidecadal natural variability; high-resolution regional climate projections.
- Arctic circulation and sea-ice variability and trends: Structure and mechanisms.
- Extreme events: Analysis of heat waves and polar air outbreaks.
- Advances in climate modeling and prediction.
- Global Warming Hiatus.
- Rasmusson-Wyrtki session on ENSO, Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, and Global Climatic Impacts: 20 Years after TOGA
- The Peter J. Lamb Session on Climate Variability in Precipitation Processes
- The 2014 US National Climate Assessment: Science, Policy, and the Future (Themed Joint Session with the 10th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Reseach, and Practice)
- Growing Importance of Extremes: The Example of Drought in California and the West (Themed Joint Session with the 29th Conference on Hydrology)
- Regional Climate Partnerships: Connecting Climate Science and Decision Making (Joint Session with the 10th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Reseach, and Practice)
- Observing Systems: atmosphere, ocean and land surface, in situ and remote. Comparisons with other observing systems.
- Data Assimilation: New developments in methodology; research and operational applications on all spatial and temporal scales.
- Numerical analysis and prediction experiments involving observations: data impact and observation sensitivity tests.
- Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs).
- Field Experiments: observational and assimilation results.
- Assimilation of observational and remote sensing data for enhancing meteorological model in the coastal areas.
19th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction
- Sea surface processes, including waves, spray, bubbles, and aerosol
- Laboratory, field, and satellite measurements of air-sea interaction processes.
- Coastal and marine boundary layers in the atmosphere and ocean
- Air-sea flux measurements, estimation, and parameterization
- Air-sea flux datasets: developments and applications
- Air-sea interaction in tropical cyclone (high wind) conditions.
- Air-sea interaction at high latitudes
- Air-sea interaction including the stratosphere
- Air-sea interaction at the mesoscale, and effect on planetary scale climate
- The role of air-sea interaction in climate variability
- The role of air-sea interaction in climate change
- Surface wave effects on oceanic turbulence and air-sea interaction, from small to climate scale
- Air-sea interaction and long-term climate variability in the coastal oceans and marginal seas (Joint session with 13th Symposium on the Coastal Environment)
- Marine Aerosols: Sources, Chemistry, Clouds and Climate (Joint session with 17th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry and the 7th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions)
- Aquarius mission: Modeling and Analysis of satellite-based salinity data (Joint session with 20th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography)
- Impact of air-sea interactions on Madden-Julian Oscillations (Joint session with Third Symposium on Prediction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation)
Third Symposium on Prediction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation: Processes, Prediction, and Impact
- MJO interaction with and impacts on high-impact weather and climate events, including monsoons, tropical cyclones and hurricanes, extra-tropical storms and blocking, atmospheric rivers, flood, fire, lightening, ENSO, NAO, and polar ice, among others;
- Advances in MJO modeling and forecasting by dynamical and statistical models, sensitivities of numerical simulations and forecast of the MJO to parameterization of convection, radiation, surface and boundary layer processes, cloud miscrophysics, and air-sea interaction;
- Applications of MJO forecasts.
Special Symposium on Model Postprocessing and Downscaling
- Focus will be on topics related to postprocessing of forecasts to improve their performance and specificity, and to produce derived variables.