CLIVAR-relevant sessions at 2017 AGU Fall Meeting
Abstracts are due August 2.
Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Theory, Modeling, and Observations
Climate Dynamics: Theory, Modeling and Breakthroughs
Earth’s energy imbalance and energy flows through the climate system
High Resolution Climate Modeling
Local Processes and Global Impact of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent
Mechanisms and Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Tropical Pacific Decadal Variations and Trends
North Atlantic Climate Variability: Mechanisms, Predictability and Impacts
Ocean salinity and its role in ocean dynamics and the water cycle
Polar Climate: Processes & Predictability
Science and Applications of Atmospheric River Research
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding
Sixty Years of Earth Observations
Stochastic Modelling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics
Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecasting of High-Impact Weather and Climate Events