2022 US AMOC Science Team Meeting
After 14 years of coordinated activities, the US AMOC Science Team will convene for a final time at the 2022 US AMOC Science Team Meeting. The Science Team was established in 2008 to facilitate the dissemination of recent research results, identify gaps in measuring, understanding, and modeling of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its impacts, and aid the coordination of efforts across 80+ agency-sponsored projects. The Science Team leaves behind many legacy products including the joint US AMOC/UK RAPID AGU special collection and its corresponding webinar series and white papers for OceanObs’19 describing the observed transport and variability of AMOC and AMOC-related modeling challenges. Although the US AMOC Science Team will be sunsetting in 2022, AMOC-related projects and activities will continue to be worked on. Visit the US AMOC page to learn more about AMOC research and the Science Team.
Objectives and Outcomes
The meeting aims to bring together members of the climate and ocean science communities who are interested in AMOC-related research to review recent progress and to identify emerging research gaps and questions. A major goal is to develop a short report, summarizing future opportunities and directions on how to continue AMOC-related activities in a nationally and internationally coordinated manner beyond the lifetime of the Science Team.
Target Participants
The meeting is open to US and international participants, including members of the US AMOC Science Team, their collaborators, and scientists interested in engaging and learning about the science of AMOC.
Workshop Format
This 3.5 day meeting will include a mix of plenary sessions, breakout sessions, and poster sessions. Breakouts will be aligned with the five US AMOC Task Teams:
- AMOC Observing System Implementation and Evaluation
- AMOC State, Variability, and Change
- AMOC Mechanisms and Predictability
- Climate Sensitivity to AMOC: Climate/Ecosystem Impacts
- Paleo AMOC
The workshop will be held in-person (travel guidelines allowing) with virtual participation available.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Mike Spall, WHOI (chair)
Magdalena Andres, WHOI
Gokhan Danabasoglu, NCAR
Chris Little, AER
K. Halimeda Kilbourne, UMCES
Claudia Schmid, NOAA AOML
Program Organizing Committee
Cyndie Graddy (US CLIVAR)
Mike Patterson (US CLIVAR)
Jennie Zhu (US CLIVAR)
Image credit: Frank Slack