Past Webinars
Dr. Ashok K. Mishra, Texas A&M University
Nathan Lenssen, Colorado School of Mines
Tom Beucler, Université de Lausanne
Brian Zimmerman, Salient Predictions
Maike Sonnewald, University of California Davis
Ken Takahashi, Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP)/Geophysical Institute of Peru
Marybeth Arcodia, Colorado State University
Christopher Roberts, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Peter Caldwell, Climate Modeling Group Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Andreas Prein, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Andrew Gettelman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory & NCAR
Co-Chair, WCRP Digital Earth's Lighthouse Activity
Ian Kraucunas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Georgia Tech
Xiaoyu Long, NOAA PSL
Doug Smith, UK Met Office
Wei Zhang, Princeton University/NOAA GFDL
Fiona Lo, University of Washington
Morgan Gorris, LANL
Yannick Peings, University of California, Irvine
Ted Shepherd, University of Reading
Mitch Bushuk, NOAA GFDL
Walt Meier, NSIDC
Nedjeljka Žagar, University of Hamburg
Siegfried Schubert, NASA GSFC and Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Victor Gensini, Northern Illinois University
Michelle L'Heureux, NOAA CPC
Dillon Amaya, University of Colorado
Randy Koster, NASA
Sanjiv Kumar, Auburn University