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Pacific oceanic front amplifies the impact of Atlantic oceanic front on North Atlantic blocking

University of Bergen
Ho-Nam Cheung, Fumiaki Ogawa, Noel Keenlyside, Hisashi Nakamura and Wen Zhou
Atmospheric blocking is a crucial driver of extreme weather events, but its climatological frequency is largely underestimated in state-of-the-art climate models, especially around the North Atlantic. While air-sea interaction along the North Atlantic oceanic frontal region is known to influence Atlantic blocking activity, remote effects from the Pacific have been less studied. Here we use semi-idealised experiments with an atmospheric general circulation model to demonstrate that the mid-latitude Pacific oceanic front is crucial for climatological Atlantic blocking activity. The front intensifies the Pacific eddy-driven jet that extends eastward towards the North Atlantic. The eastward-extended Pacific jet reinforces the North Atlantic circulation response to the Atlantic oceanic front, including the storm track activity and the eddy-driven jet. The strengthening of the eddy-driven jet reduces the Greenland blocking frequency. Moreover, the Pacific oceanic front greatly strengthens the stationary planetary-scale ridge in Europe. Together with a stronger northeastward extension of the Atlantic storm track, enhanced interaction between extratropical cyclones and the European ridge favours the occurrence of Euro-Atlantic blocking. Therefore, the North Atlantic circulation response amplified remotely by the Pacific oceanic front substantially increases Euro-Atlantic blocking frequency while decreasing Greenland blocking frequency.
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