Arctic Climate Feedback Response to Local Sea-Ice Concentration and Remote Sea Surface Temperature Changes in PAMIP Simulations
University at Albany, State University of New York
Local and remote processes have been suggested to drive Arctic amplification – the enhanced warming of the Arctic region relative to other areas under increased greenhouse gases. We use Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project (PAMIP) simulations with changes in Arctic sea-ice and fixed remote sea surface temperature (SST), or changes in remote SST and fixed Arctic sea-ice to untangle the climate response to Arctic sea-ice loss or SST-induced warming, respectively. In response to sea-ice loss, the surface albedo feedback activates in summer but is opposed by oceanic heat uptake, leading to weak summertime warming. During winter, sea-ice loss greatly strengthens AA due to enhanced oceanic heat release, triggering Arctic bottom-heavy warming, positive lapse rate and cloud feedbacks. In contrast, enhanced atmospheric energy convergence into the Arctic becomes the dominant contributor to relatively small AA under remote SST-induced warming. Water vapor feedback contributes to Arctic warming but opposes AA due to larger tropical than Arctic moistening under remote SST-induced warming and fixed Arctic sea-ice. We also find top-heavy to uniform (bottom-heavy) Arctic warming and moistening in the Arctic mid-upper (lower) troposphere in the remote SST (Arctic sea-ice) perturbation runs, producing a negative-neutral (positive) Arctic lapse rate feedback, respectively. Lastly, we show that the responses to remote SST or local SIC perturbations are linearly separable. Our results suggest that large AA is caused primarily by sea-ice loss and resultant local changes in surface fluxes, while increased poleward energy transport can only produce weak AA under fixed sea ice.

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