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CLIVAR-relevant sessions at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting

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The 2021 AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 6-17 in New Orleans, LA and virtually. In preparation for the meeting, we have compiled a list of sessions that are relevant to the community and organized by our Panels, Working Groups, and community members. The list of sessions is not intended to be exhaustive but to help digest the collection of the hundreds of sessions and events. Note that some sessions are listed as virtual only. Abstracts are due August 4.

If you would like to have your session included in the list, email Jennie

CLIVAR-organized Sessions and Town Halls

Interaction of Tropical Basins: Processes, Pathways, and Predictability

US CLIVAR and IARPC Townhall: Strategy for Understanding the Coevolution of the Atmosphere, Sea Ice, and Ocean in the New Arctic

Town Halls and Workshops

Interagency Town Hall on Precipitation Processes and Predictability

Climate and Atmosphere/Ocean/BGC/Land/Ecosystems

Advances in Understanding Global Meridional Overturning Circulation from Past to Future: Insights from Multiple Approaches

Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes Governing the Trade Wind Regions

Atmospheric Convection: Processes, Dynamics, and Links to Weather and Climate

Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change

Boundary Layer Processes and Turbulence

Climate Variability Across Scales and Climate States

Diagnostic tools and metrics for improving subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction

General Session: Atmospheric Dynamics & Climate

Improving Earth System Predictability: New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and Approaches for Predicting Global Biogeochemical Cycles in Earth System Models

Subseasonal to Seasonal Climate Prediction, Processes, and Services

The global water cycle: coupling and exchanges between the ocean, land, and atmosphere 

Extremes and Impacts

Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory, and Modeling

Climate change and extreme winter weather: insights from the US cold wave of February 2021

Compounding Climate Extremes: Mechanisms, Diagnostics, and Current and Future Impacts

Decision-relevant understanding of precipitation extremes and their impacts

Defending Coastal Infrastructures Against Sea Level Rise and Tropical Storms

Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Climate Event

Extreme Precipitation in Past, Present, and Future Climates

Extreme Weather Events: Forecast skill, Uncertainty Quantification and Impact Modeling

Harnessing earth system data for understanding and predicting climate extremes in agriculture and urban systems

Ocean Observations for Improving Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts

Safe Landing Climates WCRP Lighthouse Activity: Avoiding Extreme Climate Risk

Science and Application of Equitable Solutions to Future Sea-Level Rise

The Dynamics of the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Past, Present, and Future Climate: Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Stationary Waves, and Monsoons

Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling and Predictability

Understanding and Modeling of Mesoscale and Severe Local Convective Storm Processes


Advancements, Gaps and Needs in Observing, Understanding and Modeling the High-Latitude Earth Systems

Causes and Consequences of Polar Amplification

Connecting Arctic Change with the North Atlantic Midlatitudes

Coupled-system Processes of the Central Arctic Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Ocean System: Harnessing Field Observations and Advancing Models

Integrating Observations and Models to Better Understand a Changing Arctic System

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI Techniques for Improving Predictive Understanding of Climate Modes of Variability and Their Teleconnections

Machine Learning for Weather and Climate: Predictions and Applications

Proven AI/ML applications in the Earth Sciences

Observations, Modeling, and Data Assimilation 

Advanced Methods for Systematic Evaluation and Improvement of Earth System Models

Advancements, Gaps and Needs in Observing, Understanding and Modeling the High-Latitude Earth Systems

Advances in Data Assimilation, Predictability and Uncertainty Quantification

Causes and Consequences of Polar Amplification

CMIP6 Climate Model Evaluation

CMIP6 highlights and lessons learned

Diagnostic tools and metrics for improving subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction

High resolution Earth system modeling on large supercomputers

Large Ensemble Climate Model Simulations as Tools for Exploring Natural Variability, Change Signals, and Impacts

Modeling Across Scales From Global to Convection-permitting: Weather, Climate, and Air Quality

Multi-Scale Processes in the East Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone

Ocean Observations for Improving Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts

Process-Oriented Diagnostics for weather and climate models

Regional climate: modeling, analysis, and impacts

Tropical Pacific Atmospheric and Oceanic Boundary Layer Process Understanding and Representation in Models

When We Don't Know Everything: Stochastic Approaches to Predicting and Understanding the Earth System 

Other Sessions of Interest

Advances in Computational Analysis in Geophysical Processes: Applied Mathematics Perspectives on Prediction, Uncertainty Quantification, and State Estimation

Atmospheric Research Supported by Uncrewed Aerial Systems

Build Back Better: Advancing Equitable Science Policy

Building Confidence in Future Projections of Regional Precipitation: Identifying Dynamic Sources of Certainty and Uncertainty

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice to Improve Understanding of Natural Peril Risk For Risk Transfer and Risk Financing Applications

Diagnostic tools and metrics for improving subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from an International Perspective: Issues, Priorities and Opportunities

Fieldwork Equity: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Safe Fieldwork Experiences

Interdisciplinary identities in geoscience: promoting breadth and depth in scientific endeavors

Mid-latitude air-sea interaction and inter-basin teleconnections under changing climate

Ocean Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico

Prediction, Consequences, and Mitigation of the Near-Term Warming Rate of Upcoming Climate Change

Preparing next generation researchers to meet the transdisciplinary challenges of climate change (including MultiSector Dynamics)

Paleo and Climate

Advances in Understanding Global Meridional Overturning Circulation from Past to Future: Insights from Multiple Approaches