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Past Events Calendar

Event Date Location

Micro2Macro: Origins of Climate Change Uncertainty Workshop

- University of Wyoming | Laramie, WY, and Virtual

Optimizing Ocean Observing Networks for Detecting the Coastal Climate Signal Workshop

- Boulder, Colorado, and virtual

Ocean Uncertainty Quantification Summer School

- Virginia Key, Miami, Florida

Pathways Connecting Climate Changes to the Deep Ocean: Tracing Physical, Biogeochemical, and Ecological Signals From Surface to Deep Sea

- Lewes, Delaware and virtual

Blocking and Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate

- Boulder, Colorado and virtual

Confronting Earth System Model Trends with Observations: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

- Boulder, Colorado and virtual

Polar Amplification of Climate Change Across Hemisphere and Seasons: Causes and Constraints

- Boulder, Colorado and virtual

World Climate Research Programme Open Science Conference

- Kigali, Rwanda and virtual

2023 US CLIVAR Summit

- Seattle, Washington and virtual

ICTP/CLIVAR Summer School on Marine Heatwaves: Global Phenomena with Regional Impacts

- Trieste, Italy

Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate Workshop

- Hamburg, Germany and virtual

Workshop on Observing, Modeling, and Understanding the Circulation of the Arctic Ocean and Sub-Arctic Seas

- Seattle, WA

Whither the Gulf Stream Workshop: Present Understanding and Future Opportunities for Elucidating the Role of the Gulf Stream in Weather and Climate

- Woods Hole, MA and Virtual

Ocean Salinity Conference

- New York City, NY

Workshop on Future US Earth System Reanalysis

- Boulder, CO and Virtual

Workshop on the Pattern Effect: Coupling of SST patterns, radiative feedbacks, and climate sensitivity

- Boulder, CO and Virtual

US AMOC Science Team Meeting

- Woods Hole, MA

Workshop on Daily to Decadal Ecological Forecasting along North American Coastlines

- Woods Hole, MA and Virtual

Workshop on Societally-Relevant Multi-Year Climate Predictions

- Boulder, CO and Virtual


- Washington, DC

Ocean Sciences Meeting

- Virtual

AMS Annual Meeting

- Virtual

AGU Fall Meeting

- New Orleans, LA and Virtual

Arctic Circulation Workshop

- Seattle, WA

Virtual Workshop on the New Global Ocean Biogeochemistry (GO-BGC) Array

- Virtual Meeting

Workshop on Tropical Pacific Observing Needs

- Virtual Meeting

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society

- Hongcheon, South Korea

JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

- Chiba, Japan

EGU General Assembly 2020

- Vienna, Austria

US CLIVAR SSC Meeting (by invitation)

- Washington, DC

Surface Currents in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System Workshop

- La Jolla, CA

AMOC Town Hall

San Diego, CA


San Diego, CA

AMOC TT5 Meeting (by invitation)

San Diego, CA

Air-Sea Working Group Meeting (by invitation)

San Diego, CA

CLIVAR Town Hall

San Diego, CA

2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting

- San Diego, CA

CLIVAR SSG Meeting (by invitation)

- San Diego, CA

2020 AMS Annual Meeting

- Boston, MA

2019 AGU Fall Meeting

- San Francisco, CA

CMIP6 Hackathon

- Boulder, CO and Palisades, NY

Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop

- Boulder, CO


- Honolulu, HI

AMOC Metrics: Coordinating Observations and Models

- Honolulu, HI

2019 US CLIVAR Summit

- Long Beach, CA

The Large Ensembles Workshop

- Boulder, CO

13th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science (ISAES 2019) 

- Incheon, Republic of Korea

ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School on  Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: Assessing and understanding their changes and predicting their future

- Trieste, Italy

IMBeR Future Oceans2 Open Science Conference

- Brest, France

ICESAT-2 Hackweek 2019

- Seattle, WA

ECCO Summer School 2019

- Friday Harbor, WA

Atmospheric Convection and Air-Sea Interactions over the Tropical Oceans

- Boulder, CO

Sea Level Hotspots from Florida to Maine

- Norfolk, VA

EGU General Assembly 2019

- Vienna, Austria

Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles

- Reading, UK

Ocean Visions 2019

- Atlanta, Georgia

CMIP6 Model Analysis Workshop

- Barcelona, Spain

Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy

- Tallahassee, FL

Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures

- Denver, CO

 YOPP Arctic Science Workshop

- Helsinki, Finland

Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in Earth System Model projections

- Leeds, UK

AMS Annual Meeting

- Phoenix, Arizona

2018 AGU Fall Meeting

- Washington, DC

Workshop on Greenland Freshwater Fluxes

Washington, DC

The Earth’s Energy Imbalance and Its Implications

- Toulouse, France

2018 Ocean Salinity Science Conference

- Paris, France


- Jegu, The Republic of Korea

NOAA’s 43rd Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop

- Santa Barbara, CA


- Marseille, France

6th Argo Science Workshop

- Tokyo, Japan

IV International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation

- Guayaquil, Ecuador

8th International Workshop on Climate Informatics

- Boulder, CO

International Workshops on Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction

- Boulder, CO

OOI Deep Ocean Observing Workshop

- Seattle, WA

2018 CESM Polar Modeling Workshop

- Boulder, CO

2018 CESM Tutorial

- Boulder, CO

2018 Climate and Weather Extremes Tutorial

- Boulder, CO

OCB Biogeochemical Profiling Float Workshop

- Seattle, Washington

4th GEO Blue Planet Symposium

- Toulouse, France

CORDEX Central America and South America Training Workshop on Downscaling Techniques

- La Paz, Bolivia

Arctic Observing Summit 2018

- Davos, Switzerland


- Davos, Switzerland

Ice Sheet System Model Sea Level Workshop

- Honolulu, HI

4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate Change on The World's Oceans

- Washington, DC

Ocean Mixing Gordon Research Conference

- Andover, NH

15th Annual Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting

- Honolulu, HI

3rd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate

- Qingdao, China

8th GEWEX Science Conference: Extremes and Water on the Edge

- Canmore, Alberta, Canada

Workshop on Knowledge Gaps of Cryospheric Extremes

- Helsinki, Finland

EGU General Assembly 2018

- Vienna, Austria

2nd Pan-GASS Meeting Understanding and Modelling Atmospheric Processes

- Victoria, Austrailia

2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting

- Portland, Oregon

AMS Annual Meeting

- Austin, Texas

2017 AGU Fall Meeting

- New Orleans, LA

International Workshop on Tropical-Subtropical Weather, Climate, and Oceans

- Guangzhou, China

Sixth International Workshop on Monsoons

- Singapore


- Fortaleza, Ceara-Brazil

8th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Data Assimilation and Verification

- Bergen, Norway

NOAA's 42nd Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

- Norman, Oklahoma

GODAE OceanView Summer School

- Mallorca, Spain

Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference

- South Lake Tahoe, California

NMME/SubX Science Meeting

- College Park, Maryland

Indian Ocean Science Workshop

- La Jolla, California

NSF Greenland Ice Sheet Stability Workshop

- Buffalo, New York

2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly

- Cape Town, South Africa

10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference

- Interlaken, Switzerland

Data Science Training for Arctic Research

- Santa Barbara, California

 STATMOS/SAMSI Workshop on Climate Statistics

- Boulder, Colorado

Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts

- Columbia University, NY

12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate

- Boulder, Colorado

5th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models

- Montreal, Canada

3rd Blue Planet Symposium

- College Park, Maryland

Global Ocean Salinity and the Water Cycle Workshop

- Woods Hole, MA

JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

- Chiba, Japan

Frontiers in ocean-atmosphere exchange: Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy

- Corsica, France

Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop 2017

- Anchorage, Alaska

European Geosciences Union

- Vienna, Austria

13th Annual Polar Technology Conference

- Denver, Colorado

Arctic Science Summit Week 2017

- Prague, Czech Republic

2017 North American Carbon Program/Ameriflux PI Meeting

- Bethesda, Maryland

Understanding Polar Ecosystem Change Through Time Series Observations, Technological Advances, and Biophysical Coupled Modeling

- Ventura, CA

47th International Arctic Workshop

- Buffalo, New York

North-American  CryoSat Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop

- Banff, Alberta, Canada

ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting

- Honolulu, Hawai'i

Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change

- Sante Fe, New Mexico

AMS 97th Annual Meeting

- Seattle, Washington

AGU Chapman Conference on Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes

- San Juan, Puerto Rico

12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate

Boulder, Colorado

AGU Fall Meeting

- San Francisco, California

S2S Extremes Workshop

- Columbia University, NY

PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference

- Paris, France

Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference 2016

- Ceará - Brazil

Model Hierarchies Workshop

- Princeton, New Jersey

AtlantOS Workshop

- Gran Canaria, Spain

International Workshop on Coupled Data Assimilation

- Toulouse, France

NOAA's 41st Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

- Orono, Maine

Physics Dynamics Coupling in Weather and Climate Models 2016

- Richland, Washington

CLIVAR Open Science Conference

- Qingdao, China

 2nd International Workshop Air-Sea Gas Fluxes: Progress and Future Prospects

- Brest, France

ECSA 56 Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state

- Breman, Germany

35th International Geological Congress

- Cape Town, South Africa

SCAR Open Science Conference

- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

AMS Joint 21st Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology Conference and 20th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction

- Madison, Wisconsin

International Workshop on the Madden-Julian Oscillation

- Chengdu, SiChuan, China

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting

- Beijing, China

International Symposium on Interactions of Ice Sheets and Glaciers with the Ocean

- La Jolla, California

2nd Annual AtlantOS Meeting

- Kiel, Germany

Polar Weather and Climate Week 2016

- Columbus, Ohio

50th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress & Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting

- Fredericton, NB, Canada

48th Liege Colloquium on Submesoscale Processes: Mechanisms, Implications and New Frontiers

- Liege, Belgium

International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016

- Stockholm, Sweden

Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Science Workshop

- Hobart, Austrailia

4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World

- Hobart, Austrailia

EGU General Assembly 2016

- Vienna, Austria

High-resolution ocean modelling for coupled seamless predictions Workshop

- Exeter, UK

WWRP/WCRP/Bolin Centre School on Polar Prediction

- Abisko Field Station, Arctic Sweden

Arctic Observing Summit 2016

- Fairbanks, Alaska

2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting

- New Orleans, LA

Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science Workshop

- Rockville, Maryland


- Zurich, Switzerland

AMS 96th Annual Meeting

- New Orleans, LA

AGU Fall Meeting 2015

- San Francisco, CA

International Symposium on the Indian Ocean

- Goa, India

Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting

- Seattle, Washington

Workshop on Past and Future Climate Shifts

- Trieste, Italy

CLIVAR-ICTP International Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability: Challenge and Opportunity

- Trieste, Italy

Sustainable Ocean Summit 2015

- Singapore

2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate

- Busan, Korea

NOAA's 40th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

- Denver, CO

Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science 2015

- Rome, Italy

Open Science Conference on Salinity and Freshwater Changes in the Ocean

- Hamburg, Germany

1st Ocean2k Workshop

- Barcelona, Spain

11th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography

- Santiago, Chile

Workshop on energy flow through the climate system

- Exeter, UK

The 5th International Workshop on Climate Informatics

- Boulder, CO

SOOS/WCRP/ESA workshop on Southern Ocean air-sea fluxes

- Frascati, Italy

Monsoons & ITCZ: The annual cycle in the Holocene and the future

- Columbia University, New York

SOLAS Open Science Conference 2015

- Kiel, Germany

SPARCH Workshop on Storm Tracks

- Grindelwald, Switzerland

The Width of the Tropics: Climate Variations and Their Impacts

- Santa Fe, NM

PALSEA2 2015 Meeting: Data-Model Integration and Comparison

- Nagoya, Japan

US AMOC/UK RAPID 2015 International Science Meeting

- Bristol, UK

4th CLIVAR Workshop on the Evaluation of ENSO in Climate Models: ENSO in a changing climate

- Paris, France

Our Common Future Under Climate Change

- Paris, France

Making sense of the multi-model decadal prediction experiments from CMIP5


Atlantic Meridional Transect Open Science Conference

- Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

Improving Our Fundamental Understanding of the Role of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Climate System

- Irvine, CA

26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

- Prague, Czech Republic

WWRP/WCRP Workshop on Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictability of Monsoons

- Jeju, Republic of Korea

20th Annual CESM Workshop

- Breckenridge, CO

1st WCRP Summer School on 
Climate Model Development: Atmospheric Moist Processes

- Hamburg, Germany

Workshop on Implementing a Southern Ocean Observing System

- Hobart, Austrailia

5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change

- Crete, Greece

Climate and Human Security – Geospatial Data and Mapping Symposium

- Boulder, CO

High-Resolution Proxies of Paleoclimate

- University of Wisconsin-Madison

49th CMOS Congress & 13th AMS Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography

- Whistler, British Columbia

7th International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces

- Seattle, WA

45th International Arctic Workshop

- Bergen, Norway

2015 Joint Assembly (AGU/CGU/GAC/MAC)

- Montreal, Canada

Arctic Science Summit Week 2015

- Toyama, Japan

GAIC 2015: Sustained Ocean Observing for the Next Decade

Galway, Ireland

California Drought: Causes, Impacts, and Policy

- Irvine, CA

EGU General Assembly 2015

- Vienna, Austria

Large scale climate variability in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean over decades to centuries, and links to extra-polar climate

- San Diego, CA

Third International Symposium: Effects of Climate Change on World's Oceans

- Santos City, Brazil

2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting

- Granada, Spain

ENSO Extremes and Diversity: Dynamics, Teleconnection, and Impacts Workshop

- Sydney, Austrailia

96th AMS Annual Meeting

- New Orleans, LA

AMS 95th Annual Meeting

- Phoenix, AZ

AGU 2014 Fall Meeting

- San Francisco, CA

Ocean's Carbon and Heat Uptake: Uncertainties and Metrics Workshop

- Park 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA

An International Global Drought Information System Workshop: Next Steps

- Pasadenca, CA

SAMOC V Meeting

- Buenos Aires, Argentina

2014 Sea Surface Temperature Science Team Meeting

- Annapolis, MD

CIFFEN III International Conference on ENSO "Bridging the gaps between Global ENSO Science and regional processes, extremes and impacts"

- Guayaquil, Ecuador

The 4th XBT Workshop: XBT Science and the Way Forward

- Beijing, China

Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC)

- Bali, Indonesia

Unión Geofísica Mexicana

- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Science Workshop

- Brest, France

Past as Prologue: Holocene Climate as Context for Future Climate Change

- Portland, OR

The Climate Symposium 2014 

- Darmstadt, Germany

NSF Grants Conference 2014

- George Washington Univeristy

NOAA Virtual Workshop Bias Corrections in Subseasonal to Interannual Predictions

- Online

US AMOC 2014 Science Team Meeting

- Deca Hotel, Seattle, WA

WEBINAR: World Ocean Assessment


WCRP-ICTP Summer School on Attribution and Prediction of Extreme Events

- Trieste, Italy

3rd Pan-GEWEX Meeting

- The Hague, The Netherlands

1st Pan-CLIVAR Meeting

- The Hague, The Netherlands

7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle

- The Hague, The Netherlands

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2014

- Quebec City, Canada

US CLIVAR 2014 Summit

- Warwick Hotel, Denver, CO

GEWEX Summer Sessions for Early Career Scientists and Graduate Students

- Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

35th Session of the WCRP JSC

- Heidelberg, Germany

Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) Open Science Conference

- Bergen, Norway

IQuOD (International Quality controlled Ocean Database)

- Silver Spring/Washington DC, USA

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014

- Vienna, Austria

12th CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD) Meeting

- Kiel, Germany

WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Second Workshop on Latin-America and Caribbean - CORDEX LAC II

- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

WGOMD Workshop on High Resolution Ocean Modeling

- Kiel, Germany

31st AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

- San Diego, CA

WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing, linking and applying climate knowledge

- Montevideo, Uruguay

IGS International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Climate

- Grand Chancellor Hotel, Hobart, Australia

2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting

- Honolulu, Hawaii

WWRP/THORPEX - WCRP International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction

- NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, MD

Short Course on Statistical Analysis of Weather and Climate Extremes at AMS 94th Annual Meeting

Atlanta, GA

94th AMS Annual Meeting “Extreme Weather—Climate and the Built Environment:  New Perspectives Opportunities, and Tools”

- Atlanta, GA

SPARC 2014 General Assembly

- Queenstown, New Zealand

CLIVAR Town Hall at AGU

12:30-1:30 PM, 2005 Moscone West, San Francisco, CA

AGU 2013 Fall Meeting

- San Francisco, CA

PMIP Ocean Workshop 2013

- Corvallis, OR

International Conference on Regional Climate - CORDEX 2013, A partnership between WCRP, the European Commission and IPCC

- Brussels, Belgium

GODAE OceanView Symposium 2013 "International Operational Oceanography: 5 years on from GODAE - where are we now?"

- NCWCP/Washington, DC

7th Graduate Climate Conference

- Woods Hole, MA

WMO Fifth International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-V)

- Macao, China

GEWEX Scientific Steering Group (SSG-26)

- NCAR Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

- Denver, CO

WCRP/CLIVAR 13th Session of the Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel (AAMP13)

- Macao, China

CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability (TAV) Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) Meeting

- Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy

NOAA's 38th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

- College Park, MD

WCRP-ACPC Africa Climate Conference 2013

- Arusha, Tanzania

DISCCRS VIII Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium

- La Foret Conference and Retreat Center (Colorado)

Banff International Research Station Workshop "The role of oceans in climate uncertainty"

- Banff, Alberta, Canada

Modelling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows:insights from laboratory experiments and numerical simulations

- Berlin, Germany


- San Diego, CA

U.S. Ocean Acidification Principal Investigators' Meeting

- Washington, DC

2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference & 19th AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Conference

- Vienna, Austria

WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin-America and Caribbean CORDEX LAC: Phase I - South America

- Lima, Peru

2013 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium

- Edinburgh, United Kingdom

16th Session of the VAMOS panel (VPM16)

- Lima, Peru

12th International NCCR Climate Summer School: “From Climate Reconstructions to Climate Predictions”

- Grindelwald, Switzerland

11th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP 11)

- Barcelona, Spain

Open Science Conference on Isotopes of Carbon, Water, and Geotracers in Paleoclimate Research

- Bern, Switzerland

Goldschmidt Conference

- Florence, Italy

OMICS Group International Conference on Aquatic & Marine Biology (Oceanography-2013)

- Miami, FL

U. S. CLIVAR Extremes Workshop: Analyses, Dynamics, and Modeling of Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Events

- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA

2013 Community Earth System Modeling Tutorial

- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO

AMS 15th Conference on Mesoscale Processes

- Portland, OR

2013 ASP Researcher Colloquium "Carbon-Climate Connections in the Earth System"

- Boulder, CO

IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly: Knowledge for the Future

- Gothenburg, Sweden

Second workshop of the PAGES Sea Ice Proxy Working Group - From Proxies Towards Reconstructions

- Cambridge, UK

IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

- Melbourne, Australia

U.S. AMOC/U.K. RAPID Science Meeting: 'AMOC Variability: Dynamics and Impacts'

- Baltimore, MD

ICCCGW 2013: International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming

- Stockholm, Sweden

U.S. CLIVAR 2013 Summit

- Annapolis, MD

8th Session of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel

- Li Jiang, Yun Nan, China

Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013

- Davos, Switzerland

10th Session of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Panel

- Li Jiang, Yun Nan, China

WCRP/CLIVAR 2nd International Symposium on Boundary Current Dynamics

- Qingdao, China

Gordon Research Conference on Radiation & Climate

- New London, NH

International Conference on Energy & Meteorology: Weather & Climate for the Energy Industry

- Toulouse, France

The 12th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology

- Jeju, Korea

AGU Science Policy Conference: Preparing for Our Future

- Washington, DC

Second China-U.S. Symposium on Meteorology: Severe Weather and Regional Climate Variability and Predictability

- Huanghai Hotel, Qingdao, China

IMBER Open Science Conference "Future Oceans"

- Bergen, Norway

AMS 19th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics

- Newport, RI

4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change

- Kos, Greece

CLIVAR/GSOP Global Ocean Sub-Surface Climate Data

- Hobart, Australia

OCEANS'13 MTS/IEEE Conference

- Bergen, Norway

AGU Chapman Conference: Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future

- Snow Mountain Ranch in Granby, Colorado

1st International Workshop on Econometric Applications in Climatology

- University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Workshop

- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ

U.S. CLIVAR International Workshop - Understanding the Response of Greenland's Marine Terminating Glaciers to Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing

- Beverly, MA

9th Annual Carbon Dioxide Conference

- Beijing, China

34th Session of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee

- Brasilia, Brazil

PASI Short Course on Atmospheric Processes in Latin America/Caribbean

- Cartagena, Colombia

2013 AGU Meeting of the Americas

- Cancun, Mexico

WCRP Seasonal to Decadal Prediction Workshop

- Toulouse, France

20th Session of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group

- Kiel, Germany

Ocean Gateways: Significance for Ocean Circulation and Terrestrial Climates

- Jerusalem, Israel

AMS 12th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


- Seattle, WA

Water Cycle Missions for the Next Decade Workshop

- Baltimore-Washington International Airport Embassy Suites

11th Annual CPASW Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop

- Logan, UT

SPARC DynVar & SNAP Workshop

- Reading, UK

WCRP GEWEX International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project at 30

- New York, NY

GODAE OceanView-GSOP-CLIVAR Workshop on Observing System Evaluation and Coupled Data Assimilation

- Hobart, Australia

JSC/CAS Working Group on Numerical Experimentation Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models

- Exeter, UK

Penrose/Chapman Conference "Coastal Processes and Environments Under Sea-Level Rise and Changing Climate: Science to Inform Management"

- Galveston, TX

NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, AND GOES-R/JPSS Users

- NOAA/NCWCP, College Park, MD

AMS Washington Forum “The Value and Sustainability of the Weather, Water and Climate Enterprise”

- Washington, DC

GODAE OceanView & WGNE Joint Workshop on Short- to Medium-range Coupled Prediction for the Atmosphere-Wave-Sea-Ice-Ocean: Status, needs and challenges

- Washington, DC

European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

- Hamburg, Germany

WCRP Special Workshop on Climatic Effects of Ozone Depletion in the Southern Hemisphere: Assessing the Evidence and Identifying Gaps in the Current Knowledge

- Buenos Aires, Argentina

8th Session of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Panel

- Hobart, Australia

11th Session of CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development

- Hobart, Australia

WGOMD Workshop on Sea Level Rise, Ocean/Ice-Shelf Interaction, and Ice Sheets

- Hobart, Australia

ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting

- New Orleans, LA

AAAS Annual Meeting

- Boston, MA

4th PAGES Open Science Meeting - The Past: A Compass for Future Earth

- Goa, India

U.S. CLIVAR ENSO Diversity Workshop

- UCAR, Boulder, CO

Dialogue Between Contourite & Oceanography Processes, International Workshop

- Hull, UK

Third Workshop on the Evalution of ENSO Processes in Climate Models

- Hobart, Australia

2013 U.S. CLIVAR SSC In-Person Meeting

- Silver Spring, MD

2013 Winter ESIP Federation Meeting

- Washington, DC

93rd AMS Annual Meeting: Taking Predictions to the Next Level: Expanding Beyond Today's Weather, Water, and Climate Forecasting and Projections.

- Austin, TX

U.S. CLIVAR Town Hall at AGU Fall 2012 Meeting

San Francisco, CA

AGU Fall Meeting

- San Francisco, California

6th Meeting of the Global Synthesis and Observations Panel

- Woods Hole, MA

CLIVAR/GSOP Ocean Synthesis and Air-Sea Flux Evaluation Workshop

- Woods Hole, MA

WCRP/SPARC Workshop on Southern Hemisphere and South America

- Buenos Aires, Argentina

WCRP/CLiC EGU ESA ESRIN Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science Conference

- Frascati, Italy

Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Summit 2012

- Herndon, VA

Workshop on Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific: Mechanisms, Teleconnections and Impacts on Sub-Seasonal, Inter-Annual and Inter-Decadal Time Scales

- Trieste, Italy

PORSEC-2012: Ocean Remote Sensing for Well-being of All

- Kochi, Kerala, India

2nd PAGES SynTraCE-21 Workshop

- Providence, RI

NOAA's 37th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

- Fort Collins, Colorado

Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate

- Qingdao, China


- Sydney, Australia

9th Meeting of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Panel

- Cape Town, South Africa

AGU Chapman Conference on The Agulhas System and its Role in Changing Ocean Circulation, Climate, and Marine Ecosystems

- Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

4th Argo Science Workshop

- Venice, Italy

Third Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World

- Monterey, CA

20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

- Venice, Italy

International Conference on North Atlantic Climate Variability

- Hamburg, Germany

16th Session of the CLIVAR Working Group on Coupled Modeling

- Hamburg, Germany

15th Session of the CLIVAR Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction

- Hamburg, Germany

NTU International Science Conference on Climate Change: Multidecadal and Beyond

- National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling

- Hamburg, Germany

ICES Annual Science Conference 2012

- Bergen, Norway

WCRP 12th Annual Meeting of the Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel (AAMP12)

- Nanjing, China

12th Session of the Atlantic Implementation Panel

- Kiel, Germany

Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting/PIRATA-17 Meeting

- Kiel, Germany

WCRP International Workshop on Interdecadal Variability of the Global Monsoons

- Nanjing, China

Five Controversies in Climate Science: A symposium celebrating the contributions of S. George Philander

- Princeton, New Jersey

CLIVAR/WCRP Workshop on Decadal and Multi-decadal Variability in Pacific and Indian Ocean


- Qingdao, China

2012 US AMOC PI Meeting

- NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus, Boulder, Colorado

AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly

- Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore

AMS 18th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction

- Boston, MA

Dynamics and Predictability of High-Impact Weather and Climate Events Workshop

- Kunming, China

“Using Satellite Observations to Advance Climate Models” Summer School

- Pasadena, CA

2012 US CLIVAR Summit

- Newport Beach, California

WCRP JSC-33: Joint Scientific Committee Thirty-Third Session

- Beijing, China

4th AMMA International Conference

- Toulouse, France

Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities (LAOF) Workshop: Meeting the Challenges of Climate System Science

- Boulder, Colorado

19th CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group Meeting

- La Paz, Mexico

CLIVAR VAMOS Workshop on Modeling and Predicting Climate in the Americas

- Petropolis, Brazil

2012 NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium—The Weather-Climate Connection: Advances & Challenges

- Boulder, Colorado

UC Davis Workshop: Climate Change and California's Water Supply

UC, Davis, California

WCRP/IOC/ICES/PICES Second International Symposium: Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans

- Yeosu, Korea