Workshop on Future US Earth System Reanalysis Outcomes
Boulder, CO and Virtual
Outcomes of the workshop include a community consensus report to US CLIVAR with a set of recommendations for key ways to facilitate development of the next generation of Earth system reanalysis in the US over the next 5-10 years.
In addition, the SOC aims to publish in a BAMS-related article a vision for consistent reanalysis of the climate system in 2030. This vision will include:
- Scientific requirements for a consistent Earth system reanalysis in 2030:
- How science and applications (including numerical weather prediction) drive the need for consistent reanalysis.
- Model components and the level of coupling that is feasible to achieve by 2030.
- Catalogue observational data available to support a consistent climate reanalysis and identify needs for observational data rescue and future observing systems that are needed to support future reanalysis efforts.
- Technological challenges, limitations, and opportunities for developing consistent reanalysis of the climate system:
- Identify priorities for the data rescue and reprocessing.
- Estimate computational cost of the reanalysis development and production.
- Identify how data availability maps on different modes for reanalysis (e.g., modern era, early satellite era, in situ, sparse).
- Identify candidate data assimilation configurations and production strategies to enable scientific objectives of consistent reanalysis of the climate system by 2030.
- Identify opportunities for achieving this vision by 2030 at reduced cost or on a faster schedule through collaboration:
- Requirements for joint infrastructure (JEDI, observation sharing, diagnostic sharing).
- Opportunities for shared experimentation.
- Collaboration between climate modeling/data products communities and reanalysis producers.
- Collaboration between reanalysis producers.