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2019 US CLIVAR Summit

Long Beach, CA

About the Summit

The 2019 US CLIVAR Summit will bring together the members of the Scientific Steering Committee and its three implementation Panels, agency managers, and invited speakers to review progress, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to advance US CLIVAR goals under the direction of the Science Plan.

Leading up to the Summit, a webinar series will be hosted to feature updates from the US CLIVAR working groups and the AMOC science team. Panel members, SSC, and agency managers are encouraged to attend. 

The meeting will have multiple Panel breakouts as well as two special sessions. These sessions will be broadcasted. 

Big data and machine learning for climate science

Tuesday, August 6
10:00am - 12:00pm PT

This session will be co-chaired by Gudrun Magnisdottir (U. California-Irvine), Kevin Reed (Stony Brook U.), and Aneesh Subramanian (U. Colorado)

Observing and understanding the Arctic Ocean: gaps and opportunities

Tuesday, August 6
5:30 - 7:45pm PT

This session will be co-chaired by Tony Lee (NASA JPL) and Jamie Morison (U. Washington)