Process Study and Model Improvement Panel
The Process Study and Model Improvement (PSMI) Panel's mission is to reduce uncertainties in the general circulation models used for climate variability prediction and climate change projections through an improved understanding and representation of the physical processes governing climate and its variation. The panel is comprised of up to 12 experts from the scientific community, each serving a 4-year term. New panelists are selected annually by the Scientific Steering Committee based on nominations submitted through an open call for new members each winter.
Member name | Institution | Term through |
Jacob Wenegrat, Co-chair | University of Maryland | March 2026 |
Juliana Dias, Co-chair | NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory | March 2027 |
Alice Barthel | Los Alamos National Laboratory | March 2027 |
Oluwayemi Garuba | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | March 2027 |
Alex Gonzalez | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | March 2028 |
Kevin Grise | University of Virginia | March 2026 |
Baijun Tian | California Institute of Technology, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | March 2028 |
Hailong Wang | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | March 2025 |
Melinda Webster | University of Washington | March 2028 |
Ming Zhao | NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | March 2026 |
Terms of Reference
- Review, prioritize, and coordinate US scientific plans for, and programmatic support of, relevant process studies, Climate Process Teams and other investigations that lead to improved parameterizations of critical climate processes, better quantification of climate model uncertainties, improved climate model fidelity, and validation of observing systems aimed at increasing their global utility, as necessary to achieve the goals of CLIVAR. Through its review process, US CLIVAR encouragement of nascent process studies does not imply a formal endorsement.
- Develop and encourage mechanisms (e.g. community workshops, commissioned studies, Working Groups) to further the development and implementation of timely and relevant process studies and a research strategy, including filling gaps.
- Advise on the adequacy and effectiveness of Working Group plans and their implementation.
- Guide, assess, and coordinate efforts to improve utilization of process-oriented research and limited observation campaigns in parameterization and model development (especially in national and community model activities) through the use of Climate Process Teams and similar frameworks.
- Advise US CLIVAR on research priorities, identify research gaps, and develop suitable milestones to promote funding opportunities. Help foster and coordinate joint agency participation and support of relevant activities.
- Coordinate with other national and international activities to develop integrated, efficient, and effective overall international plans and activities.
- Publicize accomplishments and demonstrated progress in understanding of critical processes, characterizing model uncertainty, and improving the fidelity of climate models and their subcomponents.
- Liaise with other US CLIVAR panels and Working Groups to insure model process studies and model improvement needs are considered in their efforts.