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2017 US CLIVAR Summit

2017 US CLIVAR Summit
August 8-10, 2017
Royal Sonesta Harbor Court
Baltimore, Maryland

About the Summit

The 2017 US CLIVAR Summit brought together the members of the Scientific Steering Committee and its three implementation Panels, agency managers, and invited speakers to review progress, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to advance US CLIVAR goals under the direction of the Science Plan.

Leading up to the Summit, a webinar series was hosted to feature updates from the US CLIVAR working groups and the AMOC science team. Panel members, SSC, and agency managers were encouraged to attend. 

The meeting also had two special sessions on August 8. These sessions were broadcast and the recordings can be viewed below. 


Advances & Challenges in Understanding & Predicting Climate Teleconnections

Tuesday, August 8
10:00am - 12:00pm ET

This session focused on different latitudinal teleconnection dynamics with a focus on sensitivity to mean climate state and decadal variability, forecasting impacts on regional and coastal systems, and methods to diagnose climate models and the comparison with observations. 


  • Alyssa Atwood (U. California-Berkely, Georgia Tech) 
  • Daniel Swain (U. California-Los Angeles)
  • Antonietta Capotondi (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)
  • Samantha Stevenson (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

Watch the video


Polar Ocean & Sea Ice Interactions

Tuesday, August 8
5:45 - 7:45pm ET

This session featured presentations on recent observations, analysis, understanding, and modeling of interactions between the ocean and sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic.


  • Ron Kwok (NASA JPL)
  • Julienne Stroeve (NSIDC and U. College London)
  • Alek Petty (U. Maryland and NASA GSFC)
  • Aaron Donohoe (U. Washington)

Watch the video