Ocean Carbon Hot Spots Logistics
Meeting Venue
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644
Ph: 831-775-1700
Note that there are many hotel options at various price points all within 20-30 minute drive time from Moss Landing. You may decide to stay in the town of Monterey, where there are many restaurants, tourist sites, shops, and restaurants, farther inland in the historic town of Salinas, or closer to the water near Marina State Beach. Traffic along the coast can be challenging during the morning and afternoon commute so allow plenty of time to get to the venue and to the airport.
Google Map Showing Nearby Hotels
Those receiving travel support will be automatically be added to the rooming list at Casa Munras Hotel and Spa in Monterey. The rate at Casa Munras is $140 per night plus 11.795% tax. Other attendees interested in staying at Casa Munras may contact Jill Reisdorf (reisdorf@ucar.edu) to make a reservation at the group rate.
Ground Transportation
Parking is limited on the MBARI campus. We have arranged for a shuttle departing Casa Munras Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 a.m. Those driving should email Jill Reisdorf (reisdorf@ucar.edu) to arrange for parking at MBARI.
Monterey Airbus provides transport from San Jose and San Francisco to the Monterey area.
Flying to Monterey
Most attendees will fly into San Jose International Airport (SJC) and then rent a car to drive to Monterey. Drive time: ~60 minutes
There are limited connections into Monterey Regional Airport (MRY). Drive time: ~15 minutes
San Francisco (SFO) is quite a bit farther and is not recommended due to the potential 90 minute transit time.
Contact Jill Reisdorf (303-497-8636 or reisdorf@ucar.edu) with any questions regarding local logistics.
Poster Information
Each poster presenter will be designated a session on day 1 or 2, as seen on the workshop agenda page. Your printed poster can be oriented landscape or portrait style. Each presenter will have one whole side of an easel with foam core of 30 in x 40 in (76 cm x 101 cm) in size.