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Western Boundary Current Working Group

The US CLIVAR Western Boundary Current Working Group was formed in January 2007. The group was charged with identifying shortcomings in the atmosphere, ocean, and coupled models that need to be addressed to accurately model western boundary current atmosphere-ocean interaction. The group hosted a workshop in Phoenix in January 2009 and concluded their activities in 2010.

Terms of Reference

  • Bring together the KESS, CLIMODE and other western boundary current atmosphere-ocean interaction groups for a synthesis of results
  • Identify shortcomings in atmosphere, ocean, and coupled models that need to be addressed to accurately model western boundary current atmosphere-ocean interaction
  • Identify observational gaps and modeling experiments that would answer outstanding issues


Western Boundary Current Working Group
Kathie Kelly, co-chair University of Washington
Bo Qiu, co-chair University of Hawaii
Mike Alexander NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center
Nick Bond University of Washington
Meghan Cronin NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Claude Frankignoul Laboratory of Ocean and Climate, France
Terry Joyce Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Youn-Oh Kwon Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Hisashi Nakamura University of Tokyo
Roger Samelson Oregon State University
Justin Small University of Hawaii
LuAnne Thompson University of Washington