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Optimizing Ocean Observing Networks for Detecting the Coastal Climate Signal Workshop Agenda

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file

Workshop registration and breakfast

Welcome, opening remarks, and workshop goals

Mike Patterson, US CLIVAR


David Legler, NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program


Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Nathalí Cordero Quiros, Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education

Session 1: Observing Coastal Climate Signals: Current State and Opportunities

Chairs: Jan Newton and Nathalí Cordero Quiros

(Invited) Review of the existing system for observing the US coastal climate signal Dan Rudnick, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Recent changes in the near-surface oceanography and productivity of Prince William Sound Rob Campbell, Prince William Sound Science Center
Warming and lateral shift of the Gulf Stream from in situ observations since 2001 Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


(Invited) Measuring climate variation at the coast: Challenges and opportunities for the coming decade Harvey Seim, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Open discussion

Lightning talks for virtual posters

Poster Session 1


Session 2: Gap Identification 一 What Do We Need to Measure that We Aren't?

Introduction to breakouts

Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Breakout Session 1: Regional Groups


Breakout Session 2: Randomized Groups

Wrap-up discussion

Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

End of day for virtual participants; Networking event

End of day 1

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file


Recap day 1

Session 3: Uses and Needs for Climate Information for Coastal Resource Management

Chairs: Dan Rudnick and Seth Danielson

Life at the edge: Science and applications needs at the coastal interface Michelle Gierach, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A link between U.S. East Coast sea level rise and offshore ocean heat uptake Jacob Steinberg, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Bringing a focus to the nearshore: A case for refining projections to aid coastal communities Jan Newton, University of Washington

Open discussion


Observing for Society Panel Discussion

Glen Gawarkiewicz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Debra Hernandez, Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association


Emily Lemagie, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory


Connor Magee, University of Califonia Davis


Margaret Pilaro, Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association


Poster Session 2

Session 4: Implementation Strategies 

Introduction to breakouts

Dan Rudnick, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Breakout Session 3: Ocean Observing System to Support Decision-Making


Breakout Session 4: Draft Recommendations 

End of day 2

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file


Recap day 2

Session 5: Developing Recommendations

Chairs: Robert Todd and Phillip Thompson

(Invited) Towards a national execution plan

David Legler, NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program


Lisa Clough, NSF Division of Ocean Sciences*


Laura Lorenzoni, NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program*

Open discussion


Consensus recommendations

Final discussion and next steps

Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Nathalí Cordero Quiros, Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education

End of workshop