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August, 2018

Ocean carbon hot spots workshop

Fall 2018 call for US CLIVAR-supported workshops

Requests are now being accepted for US CLIVAR-sponsored workshops. Submissions are encouraged from the US climate science community and their collaborators. All documents must be submitted by September 28. The next call for workshops will be in spring 2019. 

August, 2018


NOAA's funding opportunity includes Climate Process Teams

In FY 2019, the NOAA CVP and MAPP programs are coordinating to invest in a new set of Climate Process Teams, in partnership with other Federal agencies. Letters of intent are due September 10, and full proposals are due November 20. 

August, 2018

Winter precipitation; Credit: Morse et al.

Webinar Sept. 6 on uncertainty in climate projections

Join us on September 6 for a webinar on the upcoming edition of Variations on the topic of uncertainty in climate projections, featuring authors of the articles. 

August, 2018

testimonial headshots

Community testimonials on US CLIVAR's 20 years

In recognition of US CLIVAR's 20th anniversary, members of the US CLIVAR community shared some of their thoughts on the organizations value to the scientific community, stories and achievements from over the years, and hopes for the future. 

August, 2018

Word cloud for AMOC

AMOC meeting presentations online

The 2018 International AMOC Science Meeting drew over 100 scientists working on overturning circulation research and its influence on weather, climate, and ecosystems. Oral and poster presentations from the meeting are available online. 

August, 2018

ocean sunset

US AMOC Science Team plans to wind down

The US AMOC Science Team will officially sunset on December 31, 2020. Leading up to this date, the team will undertake activities to ensure the community is well-positioned to continue advancing AMOC research. Ideas and suggestion are welcome. 

July, 2018

Scientists listening at the 2017 AMOC meeting

Science at the 2018 International AMOC Meeting

On July 24–27, over a hundred scientists will gather to develop a better understanding of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and its influence on weather, climate, and ecosystems. You can glimpse some of the science being presented at the meeting via the digital poster gallery or reading an abstract. 

June, 2018

map of ocean eddies

Exploring the interplay between ocean eddies and the atmosphere

The organizers of a recent workshop, Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Interactions with the Atmosphere, published an article in Eos on the major outcomes and findings. The workshop drew more than 50 oceanographers and atmospheric scientists to assess the state of knowledge about ocean eddy–atmosphere interactions and to plan research.

June, 2018

AGU abstracts

CLIVAR-relevant sessions at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting

The 2018 AGU Fall Meeting will be held from December 10–14 in Washington, DC. In preparation for the meeting, we have compiled a list of sessions that are relevant to the community and organized by our Panels, Working Groups, and community members. The list of sessions is not intended to be exhaustive but to help digest the collection of the hundreds of sessions and events. The deadline for abstracts is August 1. 

June, 2018

Graphic chart

Webinar on tropical belt widening on June 27

Join us on June 27 at 1:00 pm ET for our next webinar in the Variations series on "Expansion of the tropics." This webinar will feature contributors to our most recent edition.