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August, 2015

Intra Americas Seas Region

Register to attend a virtual workshop on climate variability in the Intra-Americas Seas

Join a community of researchers online September 9-11, four hours each day inclusive of a one hour break and poster discussion, for a workshop on "Observing & Modeling Climate Variability in the Intra-Americas Seas & Impacts on the Continental Americas & the Caribbean." Participants must register to receive the login information. 

July, 2015

Variations cover

Variations 2015 Summer Edition

The slowdown in the rate of global mean surface temperature warming over the past 15 years or so has arguably led to one of the most contentious debates in the climate community. In fact, some argue there is no "hiatus." The latest edition of the newsletter, Understanding the Earth's Climate Warming Hiatus: Putting the pieces together, features six articles providing various perspectives on the controversial topic. 

July, 2015

Ocean Sciences logo

CLIVAR-relevant sessions at the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting

The 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting will be held from February 21-26, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana. In preparation for the meeting, the US CLIVAR Project Office has compiled a condensed list of sessions that are relevant to the community. 

July, 2015

AMS logo

AMS 96th Annual Meeting, CLIVAR sessions of interest

The annual theme for the upcoming AMS Annual Meeting is Earth System Science in Service to Society. A number of sessions are relevant to the US CLIVAR community such as those in the 28th Conference on Climate Variability and Change. 

July, 2015

Intra-Americas Seas

Deadline Extended! Abstracts due July 14 for virtual workshop on climate variability in the Intra-Americas Seas

A virtual workshop will be held online September 9-11, 2015, "Observing & Modeling Climate Variability in the Intra-Americas Seas & Impacts on the Continental Americas & the Caribbean." Abstacts are being solicited for both oral and poster presentations. This unique online format will allow participants from different regions to join remotely and interact in meaningful ways. One $500 award will be granted to the most outstanding early career scientist or student presentation. Abstracts are due July 14. 

June, 2015

AGU Fall Meeting Logo

CLIVAR-relevant sessions at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

AGU Fall Meeting will be held this year from December 14 - 18. In preparation for the meeting, the US CLIVAR Project Office has compiled a condensed list of sessions that are relevant to the community.

June, 2015

Webinar Arctic WG

Archived Webinars of US CLIVAR Working Group Presentations

Leading up to the 2015 Summit, US CLIVAR Working Groups and the US AMOC Science Team are presenting on their efforts to advance the science. The archived videos and slides of the three webinars that have been hosted, so far, can be viewed online: Extremes Working Group, Eastern Tropical Oceans Synthesis Working Group, and Arctic Change and Possible Influence on Mid-Latitude Weather and Climate Working Group.  

June, 2015


Take a questionnaire on climate processes for model development

Over a decade ago, US CLIVAR developed the concept of Climate Process Teams to improve the fidelity of coupled climate models by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from observational and process-oriented research to the development of models. Now we are seeking input to assess the need for renewing such future efforts. Responses to the questionaire are due June 19. 

June, 2015

Variations cover

Variations 2015 Spring Edition

This joint newsletter, organized by the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) and US CLIVAR programs, is called "Understanding and predicting ocean carbon uptake using coupled climate models: Recent achievements and open challenges." The newsletter is based on contributions from members of the Ocean Carbon Uptake Working Group and participants from a recent workshop. It is representative of the challenges and advances across disciplines in modeling and understanding mechanisms, sensitivities, and feedbacks of ocean carbon uptake.

May, 2015

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Submit an abstract to Translating Process Understanding to Improve Climate Models workshop

An open, US CLIVAR-sponsored workshop called Translating Process Understanding to Improve Climate Models will be held October 15-16, 2015 at NOAA GFDL in Princeton, NJ. The purpose of the workshop is to assess the current understanding of physical processes, which could lead to significant climate and weather prediction model improvements on a 5-year timescale. Application and abstract submissions are due August 3.