2019 US CLIVAR Pre-Summit Webinars
Working Group on Mesoscale and Frontal-scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Influence on Large-scale Climate
Friday, July 19
2:00-2:30pm ET
Larry O'Neill, Oregon State U.
Hyodae Seo, WHOI
Hyodae Seo, WHOI
Water Isotopes Working Group
Monday, July 22
4:00-4:30pm ET
Kim Cobb, Georgia Tech
David Noone, Oregon State U.
Adriana Raudzens Bailey, NCAR
David Noone, Oregon State U.
Adriana Raudzens Bailey, NCAR
US AMOC Science Team
Monday, July 29
2:00-2:30pm ET
Gokhan Danabasoglu, NCAR
Large Ensemble Working Group
Thursday, August 1
2:00-2:30pm ET
Clara Deser, NCAR
Keith Rodgers, Princeton U.
Keith Rodgers, Princeton U.
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