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December, 2021

Ecological Forecasting flyer

Abstract submission form now open

Submit your abstract for a poster presentation at the 2022 OCB/US CLIVAR Ecological Forecasting Workshop. Deadline for submissions is January 21, 2022.

June, 2021

USGEO logo

Request for public comments on best practices document for commercial Earth observations

The United States Group on Earth Observations (USGEO) is preparing a document containing best practices for Federal government procurement of commercial Earth observation and geospatial data and services, per the 2019 National Plan for Civil Earth Observations. USGEO is seeking public input from all interested parties (e.g., private sector providers and users, academia, and the public) on best practices to inform the writing of this report. Written input is due June 30, 2021.

September, 2020

Arctic Circulation Workshop

Arctic Circulation Workshop Blog

In preparation for the Workshop on Observing, Modeling, and Understanding the Circulation of the Arctic Ocean and Sub-Arctic Seas, the organizing committee initiated an online topical community discussion to share perspectives in advance of the workshop.


June PPAI Panel Webinar