Climate Variability and Predictability Program
A reconstructed South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation time series since 1870
A Study of the Variability of the Benguela Current
Annual to multidecadal coherence of Atlantic meridional heat transport in last-millennium CMIP5 simulations and the Last Millennium Reanalysis
Characteristics and causes of Deep Western Boundary Current transport variability at 34.5°S during 2009-2014
Diabatic processes controlling the growth of long baroclinic oceanic waves
Estimating overturning changes from tracers in the North Atlantic
Interaction between the Gulf Stream Northern Recirculation Gyre and the Deep Western Boundary Current -- A Model Study
Interannual variability of the Brazil Current assessed using observations and model simulations
Internal Baroclinic Motion along 26°N in the Atlantic: do Rossby Waves reflect off of the western boundary?
Investigating Variations in Deep SAMOC Properties: First Steps
Katabatic wind-driven exchange in fjords
Large Eddy Simulation of Heat Entrainment under Arctic Sea Ice
Low Frequency Intrinsic and Forced Variability in the Eddying Ocean
Monitoring the strength and variability of the MOC
Moored Observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the NW Atlantic: 2004-2014
Relationship between Air-Sea Density Flux and Isopycnal Meridional Overturning Circulation
Revisiting the oceanography of the southern end of the overturning: Transient and standing eddy heat transports across an idealized Southern Ocean
Seasonal overturning of the Labrador Sea as observed by Argo floats
Skillful Decadal Climate Prediction in the Atlantic Sector using CESM
South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Real-time Monitoring
Southward NADW transport and property changes at 16N
Southward Pathways of the Upper and Lower North Atlantic Deep Water and their Impact on Atlantic Meridional Heat Transport
Successful AMOC reconstruction from a new high-resolution reanalysis
Testing the robustness of observed AMOC fingerprints in a perfect model framework
The AMOC in the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME)
The role of African dust on AMOC during Heinrich events
Understanding the Centennial O2 Changes in the North Atlantic Ocean simulated by the CMIP5 Earth System Models
Using lagged covariances to assimilate RAPID data
Variability in Circulation and Hydrography in the Denmark Strait
Vertical Wavenumber Spectra of Western North Atlantic Eddies: Energy and Enstrophy Cascades in Geostrophic Turbulence