All Announcements
December 2020

2020 Fall AGU Town Hall on Data Commercialization
With the advent of commercialization of atmospheric and oceanic data sets and the expansion of such efforts required by recent federal law for satellite and in situ data, US CLIVAR seeks input from the community to articulate data needs for conducting climate and weather research and educational activities that should be addressed by commercialization efforts.
December 2020

2021 Call for new US CLIVAR Panel members
Applications are due January 15, 2021.
November 2020

Variations on US East Coast Sea Level Changes and Impacts
Join the webinar on December 1 at 11am-12:30pm ET for presentations by contributing authors.
November 2020

Sea Level Hotspots from Florida to Maine: Drivers, Impacts, and Adaptation Workshop Report
This newly released workshop report provides a summary of the workshop as well as key recommendations.
November 2020

Best Practice Strategies for Process Studies Designed to Improve Climate Modeling
A set of practical strategies and lessons learned to help guide planning and implementation of future process studies within the climate science community.
October 2020

Tropical Pacific Observing Needs Workshop
Save the date for the Tropical Pacific Observing Needs Workshop, May 24-26, 2021. This workshop will gather community input on the types of Tropical Pacific ocean and atmosphere observations needed to advance understanding.
September 2020

2020 Call for new US CLIVAR working groups
Requests are now being accepted for new US CLIVAR-sponsored working groups for 2021. Submissions are encouraged from the US climate science community. All documents must be submitted by October 16, 2020. The next call for working groups will be in September 2021.
August 2020

Fall 2020 call for US CLIVAR-supported workshops
Requests are now being accepted for US CLIVAR-sponsored workshops. Submissions are encouraged from the US climate science community and their collaborators. All documents must be submitted by September 25. The next call for workshops will be in spring 2021.
August 2020

2020 Summer Variations: New research on climate variability and change using initial-condition Large Ensembles
We showcase new applications of large ensembles to the understanding of climate variability and change on regional and decadal scales. These articles, written by early-career researchers at the forefront of their fields, span a range of emerging topics.
July 2020

Tropical Widening: From Global Variations to Regional Impacts
The Changing Width of the Tropical Belt Working Group was formed in 2016 to further the understanding of new insights that call into question the prevailing view about the nature and causes of changes in the width of the tropics. Read about the impacts and activities of the Working Group and the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Tropical Width Diagnostics Intercomparison Project on this topic in the recently published BAMS paper, "Tropical Widening: From Global Variations to Regional Impacts."