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March, 2020

NCC Large Ensembles

New Nature Climate Change paper from Large Ensembles Working Group

New publication in Nature Climate Change featuring the Large Ensembles Working Group: "Insights from Earth system model initial-condition large ensembles and future prospects". Read about the opportunities and challenges confronting the design and dissemination of future large ensembles, including increased spatial resolution and model complexity alongside emerging Earth system applications.

March, 2020

2020 March Newsgram

March 2020 Newsgram

The latest news, meetings, jobs, and funding opportunities for the climate science community in our March Newsgram. Read how the Project Office is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and more.

March, 2020

Coronavirus news

CLIVAR-relevant meetings and workshop status

We have compiled a list of relevant meetings and workshops and their status as we all grapple with the fast-changing evolution of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the governmental, organizational, and personal decisions that are affecting our work lives. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and status of these events may change at any time.

March, 2020

Participants of the Surface Currents Workshop

Spring 2020 call for US CLIVAR-supported workshops

Requests are now being accepted for US CLIVAR-sponsored workshops. Submissions are encouraged from the US climate science community and their collaborators. All documents must be submitted by April 27. The next call for workshops will be in fall 2020. 

March, 2020

March PPAI Panel webinar flyer

March PPAI Panel Webinar Series

Join us this Wednesday, March 18 at 2pm ET for our first Predictability, Predictions, and Applications Interface Panel webinar. This webinar will feature talks from Sanjiv Kumar (Auburn University) on "Role of Land in Seasonal to Decadal (S2D) Hydroclimate Predictability: Land Processes, Climate Interactions, and Societal Impacts" and Randy Koster (NASA JPL) on "Contribution of Land Surface States to Sub-seasonal Predictability"

March, 2020


POSTPONED: Workshop on Societally-Relevant Multi-Year Climate Predictions

The Workshop on Societally-Relevant Multi-Year Climate Predictions has been postponed for a later date after August 2020. We are currently looking at availability of facilities and will inform participants of the new dates within the coming days.

March, 2020

Meeting Flyer

Presentations now available!

Presentations from the Surface Currents Workshop (February 22-23, 2020) are now available online

February, 2020

Variations/Exchanges webinar

Join us on Thursday, February 26 for a webinar covering the joint Variations/Exchanges edition "Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy"

February, 2020

Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy cover

Joint Variations/Exchanges edition on Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy

The 2020 winter edition of Exchanges and Variations, joint between International and US CLIVAR, is themed "Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy," with guest editors Baylor Fox-Kemper, Brown University and Simon Marsland, CSIRO.

February, 2020

US AMOC Science Team Meeting

2020 US AMOC Science Team Meeting

Save the date! The US AMOC Science Team Meeting will be held in Woods Hole on September 14-17, 2020. Registration and abstract submissions coming soon.