All Announcements
July 2020

Current and Emerging Developments in Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction
Recently published in BAMS, "Current and Emerging Developments in Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction" outlines commonalities in the prediction of weather and climate across time scales and Earth system components, and through the value cycle from basic research to operational delivery.
May 2020

NEW DATES - US AMOC Science Team Meeting
Save the new dates for the US AMOC Science Team Meeting, scheduled for April 12-15, 2021 in Woods Hole, MA. Now in its final year, the Science Team invites colleagues from the US and international community to review progress over the past decade and to identify remaining priorities to guide future international collaborations in the decade ahead.
May 2020

May PPAI Panel Webinar
Join us Wednesday May 20 at 2pm ET for the PPAI Panel Webinar Series. This webinar will continue the theme of marine heatwaves and feature Mike Jacox (NOAA SWFSC/ESRL), "Thermal displacement - a new metric for characterizing marine heatwaves and their potential impacts".
April 2020

May POS Panel Webinar
Meghan Cronin (NOAA PMEL) will give a presentation on TPOS, including the TPOS pre-field campaign as part of the POS Panel Webinar Series on May 7.
April 2020

New! Ocean Uncertainty Quantification Working Group
The US CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Uncertainty Quantification was formed in April 2020. The Working Group aims to develop strategies and identify best practices for improving the understanding, derivation, communication, and utilization of the uncertainties of ocean in-situ, remote, and modeled products related to physical variables.
April 2020

April 2020 Newsgram
The latest news, meetings, jobs, and funding opportunities for the climate science community in our April Newsgram, including the rescheduled dates for our Multi-Year Workshop.
April 2020

A Summary of the Large Ensembles Workshop
Missed out on the Large Ensembles Workshop last July? The Large Ensembles Working Group put together a short 6-page summary discussing themes addressed in plenary and breakout sessions, format of the workshop, and links to additional resources.
April 2020

April PPAI Panel Webinar Series
Join us Wednesday, April 15 at 2pm EDT for the Predictability, Predictions, and Applications Interface Panel webinar. This webinar will feature a talk from Dillon Amaya (University of Colorado) on "The return of the Blob: understanding the recent North Pacific marine heatwave and its implications for the future ".