Climate Variability and Predictability Program
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West Africa Ocean Climate Innovations Hub
Peter Busumprah
Deep-ocean seasonality in the Kermadec Trench predominantly driven by local Ekman pumping
Mitchell Chandler
Dynamics of the deep-water overflow seasonality in the Luzon Strait
Ying Chen
The habitat and biogeochemical properties of low-oxygen-adapted tropical ocean phytoplankton
Isabelle Cox
RBR in the Argo Program
Susie Crowe
Water Mass Transformation Budgets in Finite-Volume Generalized Vertical Coordinate Ocean Models
Henri Drake
Atmospheric forcing for dense shelf water cascading in the Northwestern Mediterranean
Helena Fos
Ocean ventilation controls the contrasting anthropogenic CO2 uptake rates between the western and eastern South Atlantic Ocean basins
Hui Gao
Observing the connections between phytoplankton community composition and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean
Hannah Joy-Warren
Disentangling the causes of observed changes in biogeochemical variables along ventilation pathways
Mathilde Jutras
Progressive Ventilation in the subpolar North Atlantic
Jannes Koelling
A New Global Bottom Water Climatology for Tracing Abyssal Flow Pathways and Exploring Bottom Water Transformations
Paige Lavin
Particle production and transformation in the eastern tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone (ETNP-ODZ) revealed by d15N-amino acids
Charlotte Lee
Interannual-Decadal Potential Temperature Variability in the Tropic-North Pacific Ocean and Deep South China Sea
Yuxin Lin
Spatially varying biogeochemical parameter estimation in a global ocean model
Nabir Mamnun
Deep SOLO Observations in the Deep Fracture Zones of the Southwest Indian Ridge
Viviane Menezes
Links between coastal upwelling and deep-sea ecosystems in the California Current System
Monique Messié
Variability of Oxygen in Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) as Revealed by Moored Oxygen Sensors in the Irminger Basin
Hiroki Nagao
The global contribution of diel and seasonal vertical migrants to the biological carbon pump
Jerome Pinti
Foraminiferal denitrification and deep bioirrigation influence benthic biogeochemical cycling in a seasonally hypoxic fjord
Subhadeep Rakshit
Assessing marine ecosystems and carbon budget response to climate change in the Mediterranean along the 21st century: an analysis using eddy resolving projections under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios
Marco Reale
Ocean Biogeochemical Fingerprints of Fast-sinking Tunicate and Fish Detritus
Charles Stock
The zonally asymmetric overturning circulation of the Southern Ocean and consequences for upwelled, carbon-rich Deep Water
Lynne Talley
GO-SHIP, OneArgo, GO-BGC and SOCCOM: Status and Contributions to the Global Ocean Observing System
Kelp detritus exported from coastal ocean by dense shelf water transport
Mirjam van der Mheen
Evaluating interannual variability of interior ocean biogeochemistry using observationally constrained data products
Stevie Walker
The energetic cost of climate change on diel vertical migrants using a new individual-based ecosystem model
Matthew Woodstock
Detecting Deep-Ocean Steric Changes by Conducting Sea Level Budget during the Argo Era
Yang Zhang
Changes of Net Community Production in the Western Arctic Ocean Uncovered by Machine-Learning-based Mapping
Tianyu Zhou