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Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Air-Sea Interactions Workshop Agenda

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Monday, March 6 2023 (Recording)
Time (MST) Agenda Presenter

Note: All displayed times are in US Mountain Standard Time (UTC -7).
Convert to your local time.


Workshop registration & continental breakfast

08:15 Welcome, opening remarks, and workshop goals Larry O'Neill (OSU) & Hyodae Seo (WHOI)
  Session 1: Boundary layer and surface heat, momentum, and gas flux responses Moderator: Larry O'Neill (OSU) & Jim Edson (WHOI)
08:30 A brief overview of the air-sea fluxes of heat, momentum, and gas tracers at oceanic mesoscales Lucas Laurindo (U Miami)
08:50 The Gulf Stream Convergence Zone Niklas Schneider (U Hawaii)
09:05 Multi-scale turbulence in the OSBL Leah Johnson (U Washington)
09:20 Open discussion  
09:40 Break  
  Session 2: Free-tropospheric, extratropical atmospheric circulation responses Moderator: Hyodae Seo (WHOI) & Niklas Schneider (U Hawaii)
10:10 An overview of climatic impacts of midlatitude ocean fronts and eddies Hisashi Nakamura (U Tokyo)*
10:30 Diabatic effects in the evolution of cyclones and storm tracks along the western boundary currents Thomas Spengler (U Bergen)
10:45 Impacts of mesoscale SST variability on rainfall variability Xiaoqi Wang (Texas A&M U)
11:00 Open discussion  
11:20 Lightning poster talks Virtual poster presenters*
12:00 Lunch  
  Session 3: Feedback of atmospheric responses onto the ocean Moderator: Baylor Fox-Kemper (Brown), Ivy Frenger (GEOMAR), & Hyodae Seo (WHOI) 
13:00 Modulation of ocean dynamics by (sub)mesoscale ocean-wave-atmosphere interactions: current knowledge and limitations Lionel Renault (LEGOS/CNRS/IRD/CNES/Université de Toulouse)
13:20 Sub-mesoscale wind-front interactions: The combined impact of thermal and current feedback Yue (Luna) Bai (Cal Tech)
13:35 Energy decay of coherent eddies: Estimating the impact of wind-current coupling from in situ observations and satellite altimetry Thomas Meunier (WHOI)
13:50 Open discussion  
14:10 Break  
14:30 Poster session; Virtual participants view poster gallery  
15:30 Breakout session 1  
16:40 End day 1 for virtual participants; Networking reception  
19:00 End day 1  
Tuesday, March 7 2023 (Recording)
Time (MST) Agenda Presenter

Note: All displayed times are in US Mountain Standard Time (UTC -7).
Convert to your local time.


Continental breakfast

08:00 Synopsis of Day 1 discussion Larry O'Neill (OSU) & Hyodae Seo (WHOI)
08:15 Reports from breakout leads Breakout leads
09:00 Break  
  Session 4: State of modeling capabilities

Moderator:  Justin Small (NCAR) & Mark Bourassa (FSU)

09:15 Overview of coupled modelling: CMIP and higher resolution modelling Helene Hewitt (UK Met Office)*
09:35 A data-driven approach for the submesoscale parameterization Abigail Bodner (NYU)
09:50 More than a length scale: Air-sea interaction at submesoscale fronts Jacob Wenegrat (U Maryland)
10:05 Open discussion  
10:35 Break  
11:05 Lightning poster talks Virtual poster presenters*
12:00 Lunch  
  Session 5: State of observational capabilities Moderator: Alison Cobb (UCSD/SIO) & Sarah Gille (UCSD/SIO)
13:00 An armada of assets for air-sea interaction research Jim Edson (WHOI)
13:20 Airborne observations of surface winds, waves and currents from meso to submesoscales Luc Lenain (UCSD/SIO)
13:35 Mesoscale air-sea variability captured by uncrewed surface vehicles in the tropical Pacific

Samantha Wills (U Washington / NOAA PMEL)*

13:50 Ocean adaptive sampling, scale-dependent vertical correlations, and adaptive assimilation Joseph D'Addezio (NRL)
14:05 Open discussion  
14:25 Break  
14:55 Poster session; Virtual participants view poster gallery  
15:55 Breakout session 2  
17:00 End day 2  
Wednesday, March 8 2023 (Recording)
Time (MST) Agenda Presenter

Note: All displayed times are in US Mountain Standard Time (UTC -7).
Convert to your local time.


Continental breakfast

08:00 Reports from breakout 2  
08:15 Synopsis of Day 2 discussion Larry O'Neill (OSU) & Hyodae Seo (WHOI)
  Session 6: Future strategies for observations and modeling Moderator: Sarah Gille (UCSD/SIO) & Baylor Fox-Kemper (Brown)
08:30 What to do when we can’t have everything everywhere all at once Bia Villas Bôas (Colorado School of Mines)
08:50 Butterfly: a satellite mission to transform our understanding of the contribution of air-sea fluxes to weather and climate Aneesh Subramanian (U Colorado)
09:05 Discovering the impact of the ocean mesoscale on multi-centennial climate Malcolm Roberts (UK Met Office)*
09:20 Open discussion  
09:45 Break  
10:00 Breakout session  
11:10 Reports from breakout 3  
11:30 Next steps and final discussion Larry O'Neill (OSU) & Hyodae Seo (WHOI)
12:00 Adjourn workshop  


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