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Ocean Model Development, Data-driven Parameterizations, and Machine Learning in Ocean Models of the Earth System Workshop Agenda

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file


Welcome and Introduction

Session 1: Ocean Dynamics and Circulation

(Keynote) From virtual Navier-Stokes flows to numerical ocean models  Peter Korn, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Representation of balanced state in models of geophysical flows Manita Chouskey, Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Germany
Global scale-transfer of the ocean's kinetic energy and the role of the atmosphere Hussein Aluie, University of Rochester


Energy pathways of the Tasman Sea internal tidal beam at three different model resolutions Ashley Barnes, Australian National University
Upper-ocean bias development and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in OMIP simulations Elizabeth Maroon, University of Wisconsin-Madison



Session 2: Harnessing Machine Learning for Ocean Modeling (part 1)

(Keynote) Explainable AI for Climate Prediction, Projection and Discovery Elizabeth Barnes, Colorado State University
Toward a new parameterization of ocean-atmosphere interactions based on a machine learning approach Nicolas Ernout, Toulouse INP, LEGOS, IRIT
How to model the Ocean Circulation Eddies using Artificial Neural Networks (OCEANN) Iuri Gorenstein, Universidade de São Paulo


Optimizing ocean biogeochemical models: Harnessing satellite ocean color data spatially varying parameter estimation Nabir Mamnun, Mercator Ocean International
Deep learning based super-resolution for ICON-O Fabricio Rodrigues Lapolli, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology


Lightning Poster Previews


Poster Session with Refreshments

End of Day 1

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file

Session 2: Harnessing Machine Learning for Ocean Modeling (part 2)

(Keynote) AI-augmented climate Simulators and Emulators Laure Zanna, New York University
Opportunities and pitfalls in automated calibration of ocean models Gregory LeClaire Wagner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
An online, continuous learning framework for training surrogates of ocean models Andrew Shao, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Exploring Python-based frameworks for geophysical modeling* Tuomas Karna, Intel Corporation


Learning from (sparse) observations through the lens of models* Patrick Heimbach, University of Texas at Austin
(Keynote) Towards a fully machine learned Earth system model at ECMWF Lorenzo Zampieri, ECMWF



Session 3: Numerical Methods for Ocean/Sea-Ice Models

(Keynote) A hybrid ice model Carolin Mehlmann, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Stability and accuracy of Runge-Kutta-based split-explicit time-stepping algorithms for free-surface ocean models* Nicolas Ducousso, Service Hydrographique et Océangraphique de la Marine (SHOM)
Improving the Dynamic Coupling of Sea-ice and Ocean Models Theresa Morrison, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory


h-NUMO: A multi-layer shallow water equation model with high-order Discontinuous Galerkin method Michal Kopera, Boise State University
Gain of efficiency with a new time scheme in NEMO: Runge Kutta 3rd order Sibylle Téchené, CNRS/LOCEAN
Some insights on the spurious numerical mixing of the time-stepping of advection schemes Adrien Garinet, LEGOS, Université Toulouse 3


End of Day 2

Participant Dinner (TBD)

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file

Session 4: Mesoscale Eddy Parameterization

(Keynote) Bathymetry-aware mesoscale eddy parameterizations Yan Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Re-Energizing Ocean Mesoscale Eddies: Assessing Backscatter Parameterizations for Global Ocean Models Houssam Yassin, University of Colorado Boulder
Parameterizing mesoscale eddy buoyancy fluxes using small neural networks Dhruv Balwada, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Data-driven parameterisation of mesoscale eddies using the Eliassen-Palm flux Kelsey Everard, New York University


The Stochastic GM+E closure: A framework for coupling stochastic backscatter with the Gent and McWilliams parameterization Ian Grooms, University of Colorado


Session 5: Vertical Mixing Parameterization

Applying implicit energetics ideas to simulate full-water-column ocean mixing Robert Hallberg, NOAA/GFDL
Derivation of an energetically consistent Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux scheme for oceanic convection Manolis Perrot, University Grenoble Alpes (France)


Parameterizing Vertical Turbulent Mixing Coefficients for The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Using Machine Learning Aakash Sane, Princeton University
Stochastic parameterization of general non-hydrostatic processes with a focus on deep convection* Quentin Jamet, Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA)



Session 6: Recent Developments in Ocean Modeling

Online tracer-coordinate diagnostics in MOM6 Graeme MacGilchrist, University of St Andrews
Online Lagrangian Particle Advection in MOM6 Spencer Jones, Texas A&M University
Connecting the Great Lakes in MOM6: sub-grid scale topography and hydraulic control He Wang, UCAR/NOAA-GFDL/University of Michigan


End of Day 3

Time Agenda Presenter Presentation file

Session 7: High-resolution Ocean Modeling

(Keynote) Global ocean simulations with ClimaOcean.jl: numerical implementation, performance, and results Simone Silvestri, Massachussets Institute of Technology
Rapid thermal equilibration under piControl forcing in a mesoscale dominant climate model Stephen Griffies, NOAA GFDL + Princeton University
High-Resolution North Atlantic Ocean Modeling: Impact of bathymetry, tides, and atmospheric forcing Eric Chassignet, Florida State University
Sensitivity of cyclone produced ocean mixing to the Langmuir turbulence: a modeling study Soma Mishra, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune


Advancing models of ocean mixing in the equatorial Pacific Cold tongue using an embedded LES approach Dan Whitt, NASA/Ames


Session 8: Generalized Vertical Coordinates Formulation

An adaptive vertical coordinate for ocean models Andy Hogg, Australian National University
Hybrid vertical coordinate in the Bergen Layered Ocean Model (BLOM) Mats Bentsen, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway


A Comparison of HYCOM and MOM6 Vertical Coordinates Alan Wallcraft, Florida State University
Toward the design of a generalized vertical coordinate to properly represent vertical modes in an ocean model Gabriel Derrida, Inria
Localized multi-envelope vertical coordinates for improving flow-topography interactions in global ocean models Diego Bruciaferri, UKMO



Workshop conclusions and recommendations

End of Workshop